renovatio/last update 20.10.2020.
1. Bibliographiae – 2. Editiones – 3. Indices – 4. Studia
1. Bibliographiae
M.G. Bajoni, Apuleio Filosofo Platonico 1940-1990, in:
Lustrum 34 (1992), pp. 339-390.
editions and commentaries,
by John Bodel (accessed
on 20.10.2020.)
2. Editiones
G.F. Hildebrand,
Opera omnia, c. comm. (2 voll.),
Leipzig 1842 (Hildesheim 1966).
R. Helm, Teubner, vol. 1, Metamorphoses, ed. 3. 1931 (1992); vol. 2,
fasc. 1 (De magia, Apologia) ed. 4. 1963 (1994); vol. 2, fasc.
2 (Florida), ed. 2. 1959 (1993); C. Moreschini, Teubner, vol. 3 (De philosophia libri) 1991.
Robertson en P. Vallette, (3 voll.),
Budé 1940-1945 (1985-1989; vol. 2 (l. 4-6) ed. recogn.
L. Callebat 1992).
C. Giarratano en P. Frasinetti, ed.,
Turin 1960-2.
R. Helm, c. transl.,, ed. 6. recogn. W. Krenkel, Berlin 1970.
Schwartz, transl., Haarlem 1970 (Amsterdam 1996).
G. Augello, c. transl., Turin 1980-2.
S. van den
Broeck, transl., Baarn 1988.
J.A. Hanson,
(2 voll.), Loeb 1989.
E. Brandt en
W. Ehlers, Tusculum, ed. 4.
recogn. 1989.
J.A. Hanson, (2
voll.), Loeb 1989.
V. Hunink, transl., Amsterdam 2003.
J.C. Relihan, transl., Indianapolis
M. Molt, l.
1, comm., diss. Groningen
B.J. de
Jonge, l. 2, comm., diss.
Groningen 1941.
J.M.A. Fernhout,
l. 5, c. comm., diss.
Groningen 1949.
R.T. v.d. Paardt, l. 3, c. comm., diss. Groningen 1971.
A. Scobie, l. 1, c. comm., Meisenheim am Glan
J. Gwyn Griffiths, l. 11, c. comm. & transl., Leiden 1975.
B.L. Hijmans, Jr. en R.T. v.d. Paardt
e.a., l. 4, 1-27, c. comm., Groningen 1977.
B.L. Hijmans, Jr. e.a., l. 6, 25-32 - 7, c. comm.,
Groningen 1981.
B.L. Hijmans, Jr. e.a., l. 8, c. comm.,
Groningen 1985.
M. Zimmerman,
l. 10, 1-22, c. comm., Groningen 1992.
B.L. Hijmans, Jr., e.a., l. 9, c. comm.,
Groningen 1995.
D.K. van
Mal-Maeder, l. 2, 1-20, c. comm. & transl., diss. Groningen 1998.
Zimmerman, l. 10, c. comm., Groningen 2000.
W.H. Keulen,
l. 1, c. comm., Groningen 2007.
M. Zimmerman de
Graaf, l. 11, Bibl.Ox. 2012.
R. May, l. 1,
c. transl. & annott.,
Oxford 2013.
W.H. Keulen, F.
Drews, l. 11, c. comm., Leiden 2015.
L.C. Purser,
The Story of Cupid and Psyche,
as Related by Apuleius, c. comm., Londen 1910 (New
Rochelle, NY, 1983).
P. Grimal, l. 4, 28 - 6, 24 (le conte d'Amour et de Psyche), c. comm., Paris 1963.
C. Löhning en A. Rode, Fabula de Amore et Psyche, c. transl., Munich 1980.
E.J. Kenney, Cupid and Psyche, c. comm., Cambridge 1990.
R. Graves, Cupid and Psyche, transl., London 1999.
E. van Opstall, Amor en Psyche, transl., Amsterdam 2000.
E. Brand
e.a., Amor und Psyche, transl., Munich 2002.
M. Zimmerman
e.a., l. 4.28-35, 5, 6.1-24, The story of Cupid and Psyche, c. comm.,
Groningen 2004.
J.C. Relihan, The Tale of Cupid and Psyche, transl., Indianapolis 2009.
E. Norden,
c. transl., Neufahrn/Leipzig
Opera philosophica
P. Thomas, De
philosophia libri, Teubner 1908 (1921; c. add., ed.
W. Schaub, 1970).
J. Beaujeu, Opuscules philosophiques (Du Dieu de Socrate, Platon et sa doctrine,
Du monde), c. comm. & transl.,
Budé 1973.
P. Sinisalco en K. Albert, Platon und seine Lehre,
c. comm. & transl.,
Sankt Augustin 1981.
D. Londey en C. Johanson, Peri Hermeneias, c. transl., Leiden
C. Moreschini, De philosophia libri, Teubner, Stuttgart 1989.
M. Baltes e.a.,
De deo Socratis, c. transl.
& studia, Darmstadt 2004.
J.A. Stover, De Platone l. 3, c. comm. & transl., Oxford/New
York 2016.
C.P. Jones, in:
Apologia, Florida, De deo Socratis,
Loeb 2017.
Apologia, Florida
P. Vallette, Apologie, Florides,
Budé 1924 (1971).
R. Helm,
Apologie und Florida, c. transl.,
Berlin 1965.
G. Augello, Apologia-Florida, c. transl., Turin 1984.
S. Harrison, J.
Hilton en V. Hunink, Rhetorical Works, transl., Oxford 2001.
C.P. Jones (2017), vide s.v.: Opera philosophica
H.E. Butler
en A.S. Owen, Apologia, c. comm.,
Oxford 1914 (Hildesheim 1967).
C. Marchiesi, Apologia, c. comm. & transl.., Bologna
V. Hunink, Toverkunsten, transl.,
Amsterdam 1992.
V. Hunink, Pro se de magia, c. comm. (2 voll.), Amsterdam 1997.
C. Marchesi, Della Magia, c. transl., Milan 1998.
P. Habermehl e.a., Über die Magie,
c. transl. & commentationes
doctae, Darmstadt 2002.
V. Hunink, Florida, c. comm.,
Amsterdam 2001.
B. T. Lee,
Apuleius' Florida, c. comm., Berlin, New York 2005.
A. LaRocca, Il filosofo e la città: commento storico ai Florida di Apuleio, c.
transl., Rome 2005.
A. Toschi, "Florida" l. 16, c. comm.
& transl.., Florence 2000.
3. Indices
W.A. Oldfather, H.V. Canter en B.E.
Perry, Index Apuleianus, Middletown,
Conn., 1934.
P. Fleury en M. Zuinghedau (edd.), Apologie, Florides: concordance; documentation
lexicale et grammaticale (2 voll.), Hildesheim 1997.
4. Studia docta
H. Koziol,
Der Stil des L. Apuleius. Ein Beitrag
zur Kenntnis des sogenannten afrikanischen Latein, Wenen 1872 (Hildesheim 1988).
A. Abt, Die
Apologie des Apuleius von Madaura und
die antike Zauberei. Beiträge zur Erläuterung
der Schrift De magia, Giessen 1908 (Berlin 1967).
P. Médan, La
latinité d'Apulée, Paris
M. Bernhard,
Der Stil des Apuleius von Madaura, Stuttgart 1927
(Amsterdam 1963).
J.J.M. Feldbrugge, Het schertsende karakter van Apuleius
Metamorphosen, diss. Nijmegen 1938.
H. Riefstahl, Der Roman des Apuleius, Frankfurt 1938.
P. Scazzoso, Le metamorfosi di Apuleio. Studio critico sul significato del romanzo, con l'aggiunto del lessico dei nomi sacrali, Milan 1951.
J. Redfors, Echtheitskritische Untersuchung der apuleischen
Schriften De Platone und De
mundo, Lund 1960.
G. Binder en
R. Merkelbach (edd.), Amor und Psyche, Darmstadt 1968.
L. Callebat, Sermo cotidianus dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée,
Caen 1968.
W.S. Smith,
Lucius of Corinth and Apuleius of Madaura.
A Study of the Narrative Technique
of the Metamorphoses of Apuleius, diss. New Haven
P.G. Walsh,
The Roman Novel, Cambridge 1970.
H. v. Thiel,
Der Eselsroman, I. Untersuchungen,
Munich 1971.
F. Regen,
Apuleius philosophus platonicus.
Untersuchungen zur Apologie
(De magia) und zu De mundo, Berlin 1971.
K. Schmutzler, Die Platon-Biographie
in der Schrift des Apuleius De Platone et eius dogmate, diss. Kiel 1974.
D. Fehling, Amor und Psyche. Die Schöpfung des
Apuleius und ihre Einwirkung
auf das Märchen. Eine Kritik der romantischen Märchentheorie,
Wiesbaden 1977.
G. Augello, Studi Apuleiani. Problemi di testo e loci vexati delle
Metamorphosi, Palermo 1977.
B.L. Hijmans, Jr. en R.T. v.d. Paardt,
Aspects of Apuleius' Golden Ass.
A Collection of Original Papers (2 voll.), vol. 1,
Groningen 1978; vol. 2 (Cupid and Psyche),
ed. M. Zimmerman e.a., 1998.
C. Moreschini, Apuleio e il platonismo, Florence 1978.
A. Pennacini e.a., Apuleio, letterato, filosofo, mago, Bologna 1979.
F. Hoevels, Märchen und Magie in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius von Madaura, Amsterdam 1979.
J. Tatum,
Apuleius and the Golden Ass, Ithaca
B.L. Hijmans, Jr. en V. Schmidt (edd.),
Symposium Apuleianum Groninganum,
23-24 October 1980, Groningen 1981.
Winkler, Auctor & Actor. A Narratological Reading
of Apuleius' "The Golden Ass", Berkeley
P. James, Unity in Diversity: A Study of Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Hildesheim 1986.
N. Fick-Michel, Art et mystique dans
les Metamorphoses d'Apulée, Paris 1991.
H. Münstermann, Apuleius' Metamorphosen literaischer
Vorlagen: Untersuchung dreier Episoden des Romans unter Berücksichtigung der Philosophie und Theologie des Apuleius, Stuttgart 1995 (c. ed. + transl.).
N. Shumate, Crisis and conversion in
Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Ann Arbor 1996.
G. Sandy,
The Greek world of Apuleius : Apuleius and the second
sophistic, Leiden 1997.
L. Allecat, Langages du roman latin, Hildesheim 1998.
E.D. Finkelpearl, Metamorphosis of language in Apuleius: a study of
allusion in the novel, Ann Arbor 1998.
D. M.
Harris, Body and text in Apuleius' The golden ass and
Richardson's Pamela, Toronto 1998.
M. Zimmerman
e.a., Aspects of Apuleius' Golden Ass:
a collection of original papers, Groningen 1998.
Harrison, Apuleius: A Latin Sophist, Oxford 2000
A. Laird en A. Kahane (edd.), A companion to the Prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Oxford 2000.
U. Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Kulträume im römischen Alltag: das Isisbuch des Apuleius und der Ort von Religion im kaiserzeitlichen Rom, Stuttgart
G. Magnaldi en G.F. Gianotti, Apoleio: storia del testo e interpretazioni, Alessandria 2000.
S. Frangoulidis, Roles and
Performances in Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Stuttgart 2001.
M.C. O’Brien, Apuleius' debt to Plato
in the “Metamorphoses”, Lewiston (NY) 2002.
G. Puccini-Delbey, Amour et désir dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée,
City of Brussels 2002.
J.T. Winkle, Daemons, demiurges, and dualism: Apuleius'
« Metamorphoses » and the mysticism of late
antiquity, diss. Evansville 2002.
P. Pecere en A. Stramaglia, Studi apuleiani, Cassino 2003.
G. Puccini-Delbey, Amour et désir dans les “Métamorphoses” d'Apulée,
City of Brussels 2003.
M. Zimmerman
e.a. (edd.), Metamorphic reflections: essays presented to
Ben Hijmans at his 75th birthday,
Leuven 2004.
W. Keulen e.a.,
Lectiones scrupulosae:
essays on the text and interpretation of Apuleius' Metamorphoses in honour of Maaike Zimmerman, Groningen 2006.
R. Nauta
(ed.), Desultoria scientia:
genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and related texts,
Leuven 2006.
S. Sabnis, Storytelling slaves and
narrative resistance in Apuleius' “Metamorphoses”, diss. Berkeley 2006.
J. Haig Gaisser, The fortunes of Apuleius and the "Golden Ass": a study in
transmission and reception, Princeton 2008.
A. Binternagel, Lobreden, Anekdoten, Zitate:
Argumentationstaktiken in der Verteidigungsrede
des Apuleius, Hamburg 2008.
W. Riess (ed.), Paideia at play: learning and wit in
Apuleius, Groningen 2008.
S.A. Frangoulidis, Witches, Isis and
Narrative: approaches to magic in Apuleius'
"Metamorphoses", Berlin 2008.
J. Hindermann, De elegische Esel:
Apuleius' Metamorphosen und Ovids
Ars Amatoria, New York 2009.
B. Vasconcelos, Bilder der Sklaverei in den Metamorphosen des Apuleius, Göttingen
A. Kirichenko, A comedy of storytelling: theatricality
and narrative in Apuleius’ Golden Ass, Heidelberg
J. Müllers, Amor & Psyche: das Mysterium von Herz und Seele, Bern/Frankfurt 2011.
Baker, Apuleius' political animal: a socio-cultural reading of identity
in the “Metamorphoses”, diss. Seattle 2011.
Bradley, Apuleius and Antonine Rome: historical essays, Toronto 2012.
W.H. Keulen
en U. Egelhaaf-Gaiser (edd.),
Aspects of Apuleius' “Golden ass”
3,: The Isis book, Leiden 2012.
L. Graverini, Literature and identity
in the “Golden ass” of Apuleius, Columbus 2012.
Stephen, Framing the ass: literary texture in
Apuleius' “Metamorphoses”, Oxford 2013.
R. Fletcher,
Apuleius' Platonism: The Impersonation
of Philosophy, Cambridge (NY) 2014.
B.T. Lee
e.a. (edd.), Apuleius and Africa,
New York/London 2014.
S. Tilg, Apuleius’ “Metamorphoses”: a study
in Roman fiction, Oxford (NY) 2014.
S. Harrison
(ed.), Characterisation in Apuleius’ ‘Metamorphoses’:
Nine Studies, Newcastle 2015.
C. Moreschini. Apuleius and the metamorphoses
of Platonism, Turnhout 2015.
E. Plantade en D. Valla (edd.), Les savoirs d’Apulée, Hildesheim 2018.