ultima renovatio/last update 21.10.2020




specialia: prosa oratio


1. Varia - 2. Historiographia - 3. Biographia - 4. Fabula



1. Varia

M. v. Albrecht, (transl.), Masters of Roman prose from Cato to Apuleius: interpretative studies, anthol., Leeds 1989.

E. Courtney, Archaic Latin prose, anthol., Atlanta 1999.

M. Whitbey e.a., The propaganda of power: the role of panegyric in late antiquity, Leiden/Boston 1999.

T. Reinhardt, M. Lapidge en J.N. Adams (edd.), Aspects of the Language of Latin Prose, Oxford 2005.

M. Minkova, Introduction to Latin prose composition, Mundelein 2009.

O. Spevak, Constituent order in classical Latin prose, Amsterdam 2010.

O. Spevak, The noun phrase in classical Latin prose, Leiden 2014.


2. Historiographia

K. Nitzsch, Die römische Annalistik, Berlin 1873 (Hildesheim 1974).

A.J. Woodman (ed.), Rhetoric in Classical Historiography: Four Studies, London 1988.

R.M. Grant, Greek and Roman historians: information and misinformation, London/New York 1995.

C.S. Kraus en A.J. Woodman, Latin historians (Sallustius, Livius, Tacitus), Oxford 1997.

R. Mellor, The Roman historians, New York 2002.

T.E. Duff, The Greek and Roman historians, London 2003.

G. Marasco (ed.), Greek and Roman Historiography in Late Antiquity. Fourth to Sixth Century A.D., Leiden 2003.

J. Marincola (ed.), A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography (2 voll.), Malden 2007 (2010).

A. Feldherr (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman historians, Cambridge 2009.

J.F. Miller en A. J. Woodman (edd.), Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions, Leiden 2010.

J. Grethlein en C.B. Krebs (edd.), Time and narrative in ancient historiography, Cambridge (MA)/New York 2012.

C. Balmaceda, Virtus romana: politics and morality in the Roman historians, Chapel Hill 2017.


3. Biographia

F. Leo, Die griechisch-römische Biographie nach ihrer literarischen Form, Leipzig 1901 (Hildesheim 1965).

G. Misch, Geschichte der Autobiographie. I. Das Altertum (2 voll.), Frankfurt 1949-1950-3.

H. Sonnabend, Geschichte der antiken Biographie, von Isokrates bis zur Historia Augusta, Darmstadt 2002 (Stuttgart 2003).

K. Vössing (ed.), Biographie und Prosopographie, Stuttgart 2005.

B.C. McGing, J. Mossman en E. Bowie (edd.), The limits of ancient biography, Swansea 2006.

K. de Temmerman en K. Demoen, Writing Biography in Greece and Rome. Narrative Technique and Fictionalization, Cambridge (MA) 2016.


4. Fabula

R. Helm, Der antike Roman, Göttingen 1956.

P.G. Walsh, The Roman Novel, the "Satyricon" of Petronius and the "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius, Cambridge 1970.

H. Hofmann (ed.), Groningen Colloquia on the Novel (9 voll.), Groningen 1988-1998.

L. Callebat, Langages du roman latin, Hildesheim 1998.

S.J. Harrison (ed.), Oxford readings in the Roman novel, Oxford 1999.

H. Hofmann (ed.), Latin fiction. The Latin novel in context, London 1999.

M. Paschalis en S.A. Frangoulidis (edd.), Space in the ancient novel, Groningen 2002.

S.Panayotakis, M. Zimmerman en W. Keulen (edd.), The Ancient Novel and Beyond, Leiden 2003.

S.J. Harrison, M. Paschalis e.a. (edd.), Metaphor and the Ancient Novel, Groningen 2005.

L. Graverini, W. Keulen en A. Barchiesi, Il romanzo antico, Rome 2006.

M. Paschalis, S. Frangoulidis, S. Harrison en M. Zimmerman (edd.), The Greek and the Roman Novel. Parallel Readings, Groningen 2007.

J.R. Morgan en M. Jones (edd.), Philosophical presences in the ancient novel, Eelde 2007.

T. Whitmarsh (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman Novel, Cambridge 2008.

M. Paschalis, S. Panayotakis en G. Schmeling (edd.), Readers and Writers in the Ancient Novel, Groningen 2009.

F.I. Zeitlin, M.P. Futre en (edd.), Narrating desire: eros, sex and gender in the ancient novel, Berlin 2012.

M. Paschalis en S. Panayotakis (edd.), The construction of the real and the ideal in the ancient novel, Eelde 2013.

M. Carmignani, L. Gravenni e.a. (edd.), Collected studies on the Roman novel, Cordoba 2013.

S. Montiglio, Love and providence: recognition in the ancient novel, Oxford 2013.

E.P. Cueva en S.N. Byrne (edd.), A Companion to the Ancient Novel, Malden (MA)/Oxford 2014.

E. Cueva, G.L. Schmeling e.a. (edd.), Re-wiring the ancient novel. 2, Roman novels and other important texts, Groningen 2018.


Index generalis