ultima renovatio/last update 21.10.2020.




specialia: rhetorica, paedagogica, critica litteraria


1. Bibliographiae – 2. Rhetorica – 3. Paedagogica – 4. Critica litteraria



1. Bibliographiae

P. Faider, Répertoire des éditions de scolies et commentaires d'auteurs latins, Paris 1931.

S.F. Bonner, Roman Oratory, in: Platnauer 1954 (vide s.v. bibliographica).

V. Pöschl, H. Gärtner en W. Heyke, Bibliographie zur antiken Bildersprache, Heidelberg 1964.

W. Donlan (ed.), The Classical World Bibliography of Philosophy, Religion and Rhetoric. With a New Introduction, New York, 1978.


2. Rhetorica

A. Berger en V. Cucheval, Histoire de l'éloquence latine depuis l'origine de Rome jusqu'à Cicéron, Paris 1872.

R. Volkmann, Die Rhetorik der Griechen und Römer in systematischer Übersicht dargestellt, ed. 2., Leipzig 1885 (Hildesheim 1963).

V. Cucheval, Histoire de l'éloquence latine depuis la mort de Cicéron jusqu'à Hadrien, Paris 1893.

M.L. Clarke, Rhetoric at Rome, London 1953 (1963); ed. recogn. D.H. Berry, 1996.

D.L. Clark, Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education, New York 1957.

G. Kennedy, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World 300 BC - AD 300, Princeton 1972.

J. Murphy e.a., A synoptic history of classical rhetoric, New York 1972 (repr. Davis, CA 1983, 1994).

M.L. Bäumer (ed.), Toposforschung, Darmstadt 1973.

W. Eisenhut, Einführung in die antike Rhetorik und ihre Geschichte, Darmstadt 1974, 1982-3.

J. Martin, Antike Rhetorik. Technik und Methode, Munich 1974.

G. Kennedy, Classical Rhetoric and its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times, London 1980.

M. Fuhrmann, Die antike Rhetorik, Munich/Zürich 1984, 1987-2.

A.D. Leeman en A.C. Braet, Klassieke retorica, Groningen 1987.

G.A. Kennedy, A New History of Classical Rhetoric, Princeton 1994.

G. Ueding en B. Steinbrink, Grundriss der Rhetorik. Geschichte, Technik, Methode, ed. 3. recogn., Stuttgart/Weimar 1994.

G. Ueding, Klassische Rhetorik, Munich 1995.

W.J. Dominik (ed.), Roman eloquence: rhetoric in society and literature, London 1997.

L. Pernot, La rhétorique dans l'antiquité, Paris 2000.

J. Walker, Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity, Oxford 2000.

Ø. Andersen e.a. (transl. B. Mannsperger en I. Tveide), Im garten der Rhetorik: die Kunst der Rede in die Antike, Darmstadt 2001.

E.T. Gunderson, Declamation, paternity, and Roman identity: authority and the rhetorical self, Cambridge (MA)/New York 2003.

C. Steel, Roman Oratory (Greece and Rome, New Surveys in the Classics, no. 36). Cambridge (MA) 2006.

W. Dominik en J. Hall (edd.), A Companion to Roman rhetoric, Oxford 2007.

J. Connolly, The State of Speech: Rhetoric and Political Thought in Ancient Rome, Princeton 2007.

R.L. Enos, Roman rhetoric: revolution and the Greek influence, ed. recog. West Lafayette 2008.

E. Gunderson (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric, Cambridge (MA) 2009.

D.H. Berry, Form and function in Latin Oratory, Cambridge (MA) 2010.

P.L. Malosse, M.P. Noël en B. Schouler (edd.), Clio sous le regard d'Hermès: l'utilisation de l'histoire dans la rhétorique ancienne de l'époque hellénistique à l'Antiquité Tardive, Alessandria 2010.

C.J. Smith en R. Covino (edd.), Praise and blame in Roman republican rhetoric, Swansea 2011.

C.E.W. Steel en H. van der Blom (edd.), Community and communication: oratory and politics in Republican Rome, Oxford 2013.

H. van der Blom, Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic, Cambridge (MA) 2016.

C. Gray, A. Balbo e.a. (edd.), Reading Republican oratory: reconstructions, contexts, receptions, Oxford/New York 2018.


3. Paedagogica

A. Gwynn, Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian, Oxford 1926 (1964).

H.I. Marrou, Histoire de l'éducation dans l'antiquité, Paris 1965-6.

M. Glück, Priscians partitiones und ihre Stellung in der spätantike Schule, Hildesheim 1967.

M.L. Clarke, Higher Education in the Ancient World, London 1971.

S.F. Bonner, Education in Ancient Rome, from the Elder Cato to the Younger Pliny, London 1977.

E. Eyben, De jonge Romeinen volgens de literaire bronnen der periode ca 200 v.C. tot ca. 500 n.C., City of Brussels 1977.

M.A. Imber, Tyrants and mothers: Roman education and ideology, diss. Stanford 1997.

T.J. Morgan, Literate education in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds, Cambridge (MA) 1998.

M. Joyal, J.C. Yardley e.a. (edd.), Greek and Roman Education: A Sourcebook, London/New York 2009.

R. Carrier, Science education in the early Roman Empire, Durham 2016.


4. Critica Litteraria

G. Saintsbury, A History of Criticism and Literary Taste (3 voll.), Edinburgh 1922-1929.

E. Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa vom VI Jahrhundert bis in die Zeit der Renaissance (2 voll.), Leipzig 1923-4 (Darmstadt 1983).

J.F. D'Alton, Roman Literary Criticism, London 1931 (1963).

A. Warren en R. Wellek, Theory of Literature, London 1949, 1963-3 (1980).

J.W.H. Atkins, Literary Criticism in Antiquity (2 voll.), London 1952-2 (Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1961).

H. Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik (2 voll.), Munich 1960.

H. Lausberg, Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik, Munich 1963 (1982).

A.D. Leeman, Orationis Ratio. The Stylistic Theories and Practice of the Roman Orators, Historians and Philosophers, Amsterdam 1963 (1986).

G.M.A. Grube, The Greek and Roman Critics, London 1965.

W.K. Wimsatt jr.& C. Brooks, Classical criticism: a short history, London 1970.

D. Russell, Criticism in Antiquity, Berkeley/Los Angeles 1981.

M. Erren, Einführung in die römische Kunstprosa, Darmstadt 1983.

A.S. Preminger, Classical literary criticism: translations and interpretations, New York 1984.

F. Desbordes, Idées romaines sur l'écriture, Lille 1990.

G.A. Kennedy, The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. vol. 1 Classical Criticism, Cambridge 1993.

J. Walker, Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity, Oxford 2000.

R. Hunter, Critical Moments in Classical Literature. Studies in the ancient views on literature and its uses, Cambridge 2009.

R. Tarrant, Texts, Editors, and Readers: Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism, Cambridge (MA) 2016.


Index generalis