ultima renovatio/last update 21.10.2020.






1. Editiones – 2. Studia Docta



1. Editiones

R. Merkel, c. comm., Berlin 1841 (Hildesheim 1971).

H. Peter, c. comm., Leipzig 1908-4.

J.G. Frazer, c. comm. & transl. (5 voll.), London 1929 (Hildesheim 1973).

J.G. Frazer, Loeb 1931; ed 2. recogn. G.P. Goold 1989 (1996).

R. Ehwald en F.W. Lenz, Fasti-Fragmenta, Teubner 1932-2.

F. Bömer, c. comm. & transl. (2 voll.), Heidelberg 1957-1958.

W. Gerlach, Tusculum 1960; ed. & transl. nova N. Holzberg, 2001.

H. Le Bonniec, c. comm. & transl. (2 voll.), Bologna 1970.

I. Pighi, c. comm. (2 voll.), Turin 1973.

E.H. Alton, D. Wormell en E. Courtney, Teubner, 1978 (1985).

R. Schilling, (2 voll.), Budé 1992-1993 (2011-2013).

B. Rose Nagle, transl., Bloomington 1995.

L. Canali en M. Fucecci, c. transl., Milan 1998.

A.J. Boyle en R.D. Woodard, transl., London 2000.

A. Wiseman en P. Wiseman, transl. & annott., Oxford/New York 2011.

N. Holzberg en W. Gerlach, Tusculum, Berlin 2012.

H. le Bonniec, l. 1, c. comm., ed. 2. recogn., Paris 1965.

H. le Bonniec, l. 2, c. comm., Paris 1969.

J.F. Miller, l. 2, c. comm., Bryn Mawr, PA, 1985.

B. Rose Nagle, l. 5, c. comm., Bryn Mawr 1996.

E. Fantham, l. 4, G&Y 1998.

S.J. Green, l. 1, comm., Leiden 2004.

R. Joy Littlewood, l. 6, comm., Oxford 2006.

F. Ursini, l. 3.1-516, comm., Fregene 2009.

M. Robinson, l. 2, comm., Oxford 2011.

S.J. Heyworth, l. 3, G&Y 2019.


2. Studia docta

R. Riedl, Mars Ultor in Ovids Fasten, Amsterdam 1988.

H. le Bonniec, Etudes ovidiennes: introduction aux Fastes d'Ovide, Frankfurt 1989.

J.F. Miller, Ovid's elegiac festivals: studies in the "Fasti", Frankfurt 1991.

M. Kötzle, Weibliche Gottheiten in Ovids "Fasten", Frankfurt 1991.

J. F. Miller, Reconsidering Ovid's fasti, Baltimore 1992.

F.R. Herber, Ovids elegische Erzählkunst in den Fasten, Saarbrücken 1994.

G. Herbert-Brown, Ovid and the Fasti: an historical study, Oxford 1994.

A. Barchiesi, Il poeta e il principe: Ovidio e il discorso augusteo, Rome 1994 (vert. naar het Engels: The poet and the prince: Ovid and Augustan discourse, Berkeley (Californië) 1997).

C.E. Newlands, Playing with time: Ovid and the Fasti, Ithaca 1995.

J. Löhr, Ovids Mehrfacherklärungen in der Tradition aitiolosichen Dichtens, Stuttgart 1996.

H.C. Parker, Greek gods in Ovid's "Fasti": a greater Greece, Lewiston (NY) 1997.

E. Gee, Ovid, Aratus and Augustus: astronomy in Ovid's Fasti, Cambridge 2000.

E. Merli, 'Arma canant alii': materia epica e narrazione elegiaca nei 'fasti' di Ovidio, Florence 2000.

F. Prescendi, Frühzeit und Gegenwart: eine Studie zur Auffassung und Gestaltung der Vergangenheit in Ovid's "Fastorum libri", diss. Frankfurt 2000.

G. Herbert-Brown (ed.), Ovid's Fasti: Historical readings at it's bimillennium, Oxford 2002.

P. Murgatroyd, Mythical and legendary narrative in Ovid's Fasti, Leiden 2005.

M. Pasco-Pranger, Founding the year Ovid’s Fasti and the poetics of the Roman calendar, Leiden 2006.

R.J. King, Desiring Rome. Male Subjectivity and Reading Ovid’s Fasti, Columbus 2006.

S. Cardone, Il mito di Roma nei “Fasti”: Certamen Ovidianum Sulmonense. 9, Sulmona 2007.

S.E. Wahlberg, Ovid's “Fasti” and the tradition of Callimachus' “Aetia” in Rome, diss. Philadelphia, (Pa.) 2008.

G. La Bua, “Vates operose dierum”: studi sui “Fasti” di Ovidio, Pisa 2008.  

A. Chiu, Ovid’s Women of the Year. Narratives of Roman Identity in the ‘Fasti’, Ann Arbor 2016.


Index generalis