ultima renovatio/last update 29.10.2020.
1. Bibliographiae - 2. Editiones - 3. Indices - 4. Studia docta
1. Bibliographiae
H. Harrauer, A Bibliography to Propertius, Hildesheim 1973.
W.R. Nethercut, Twelve Years of Propertian Scholarship 1960-1972, in: The Classical World 69 (1975-1976), pp. 1-33; 225-257; 289-309.
W.B. Nethercut, Recent scholarship on Propertius, in: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen welt, II,30,3 (1983), pp. 1813-1857.
P. Fedeli en P. Pinotti, Bibliografia properziana (1946-1983), Assisi 1985.
2. Editiones
C. Lachmann, ed., Leipzig 1816 (Hildesheim 1973).
J.S. Phillimore, Bibl. Ox. 1901, 2. ed. 1907.
J.S. Phillimore, transl., Oxford 1906.
P.J. Enk, comm., diss. Leiden-Zutphen 1911 (New York 1978).
H.E. Butler, Loeb 1912.
M. Rothstein, c. comm. (2 voll.), Berlin 1920-1924-2 (New York 1978).
D. Paganelli, Budé 1929 (1991).
H.E. Butler en E.A. Barber, c. comm., Oxford 1933 (Hildesheim 1964).
M. Schuster en F. Dornseiff, Teubner 1959-2.
E.A. Barber, Bibl.Ox. 1953, 2. ed. 1960.
W. Willige en H. Färber, Tusculum 1960-2.
W.A. Camps, c. comm. (4 voll.), Cambridge 1961-1967 (vol. 2-3, Bristol 1986).
G. Luck 1964 (ed. recogn. 1996), vide s.v.: Tibullus.
R. Helm, c. transl., Berlin 1965 (1986).
J. Smyth, ed., Thesaurus criticus ad S. Properti textum, Leiden 1970.
J.P. McCulloch, transl., Berkeley/Los Angeles 1971.
L. Richardson, c. comm., Oklahoma 1977 (2006).
R. Hanslik, Teubner, Leipzig 1979.
P. Fedeli, Teubner, Stuttgart 1984, ed. recogn. 1994; 2006.
G.P. Goold, Loeb 1990, ed. recogn. 1999.
W.A.M. Peters, transl., Baarn 1991.
B. Mojsisch, H.H. Schwarz en I.J. Tautz, c. transl. & annott., Stuttgart 1993.
M. S. Santirocco en D. R. Slavitt, Propertius in love: the elegies, transl., Berkeley 2002.
V. Katz, transl. & annott., Princeton 2004.
S. Viarre, Budé 2005.
G. Giardina, c. transl., Rome 2005; ed. 2 2010.
L. Richardson, c. comm., Norman (Okla.) 2006.
S. Heyworth, Bibl. Ox. 2007.
S. Heyworth, Cynthia. A Companion to the Text of Propertius, comm. & transl, Oxford 2007.
D. Flach, comm., Darmstadt 2011.
D. Flach, c. transl., Darmstadt 2011.
J.P. Postgate, Select Elegies of Propertius, c.comm., anthol., London 1881, ed. 2. 1884.
P.J. Enk, l. 1, c. comm., 2 voll., Leiden 1946.
P.J. Enk, l. 2, c. comm. (2 voll.), Leiden 1962.
P. Fedeli, l. 4, c. comm., Bari 1965.
R. Hodge en R. Buttimore, The Monobiblos, c. comm. & transl., Cambridge 1977.
P. Fedeli, l. 1, c. comm., Florence 1980.
P. Fedeli, l. 3, c. comm., Bari 1985.
R.J. Baker, l. 1, c. comm. & transl., Armidale 1990 (Warminster 2000).
P. Fedeli & G. Paduano, c. transl., anthol., in: Poesia d'amore latina: Catullus, Propertius, Tibullus, Turin/Paris 1998.
F. Boldrer, l. 4, 2 (L'elegia di Vertumno), c. comm. & transl., Amsterdam 1999.
P. Fedeli, l. 2, c. comm., Cambridge 2005.
G. Hutchinson, l. 4, G&Y 2006.
S.J. Heyworth en J.H.W. Morwood, l. 3, c.comm., Oxford 2011.
E. Coutelle, l. 4, c. comm. & transl., City of Brussels 2015.
P. Fedeli,
R. Dimundo e.a., l. 4, c. comm., Nordhausen 2015.
3. Indices
J.S. Phillimore, Index verborum Propertianus, Oxford 1905 (Darmstadt 1963).
B. Schmeisser, A Concordance to the Elegies of Propertius, Hildesheim 1970.
G. Purnelle, Properce, Elegiae: index verborum, listes de fréquence, Hildesheim 1997.
4. Studia docta
F. Plessis, Etudes critiques sur Properce et ses élégies, Paris 1884.
W.Y. Sellar 1891 (1965), vide s.v.: Horatius.
L. Alfonsi, L'elegia di Properzio, Milan 1945 (New York 1978).
P. Grimal, Les intentions de Properce et la composition du livre IV des Elégies, Berchem/City of Brussels 1953.
D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Propertiana, Cambridge 1956 (1967).
G. Luck, The Latin Love Elegy, London 1959.
H. Tränkle, Die Sprachkunst des Properz und die Tradizion der lateinischen Dichtersprache, Wiesbaden 1960.
J. Boucher, Etudes sur Properce. Problèmes d'inspiration et d'art, Paris 1965, ed. 2. 1980.
E. Lefèvre, Propertius ludibundus, Heidelberg 1966.
E. Reitzenstein, Über die Elegie des Propertius auf den Tod der Cornelia, Wiesbaden 1970.
M.P. Harris, Propertius' Book IV. The interplay of public and private themes, Cornell 1971.
B.C. Verstraete, The development of Propertius' poetic technique in Book I-III, Toronto 1972.
N.E.P. Wiggers, Heroic love. A study of Propertius' adaptation of erotic tradition to personal poetry, Providence 1972.
J.D. Noonan, Some aspects of structure in the elegies of Propertius, New York 1973.
MA. Ross, Propertius Book III. Literary analyses of selected elegies, Cornell 1973.
M. Hubbard, Propertius, London 1974.
W. Eisenhut (ed.), Properz, Darmstadt 1975.
T.M. Falkner, Critical studies in select elegies of Propertius, Buffalo 1975.
J.P. Sullivan, Propertius. A Critical Introduction, Cambridge 1976.
C.M. Hogan, Rhetoric and Propertius. A stylistic analysis of the Monobiblos, Madison 1976.
J.T. Davis, Dramatic Pairings in the Elegies of Propertius and Ovid, Bern-Stuttgart 1977.
K. Weeber, Das 4. Properz-Buch. Interpretationen zu seiner Eigenart und seiner Stellung im Gesamtwerk, diss. Bochum 1977.
E. Wistrand, Miscellanea Propertiana, Göteborg 1977.
B.M. Weiden, Cynthia and Rome in the development of Propertius' literary identity, Ann Arbor 1980.
G. Petersmann, Themenführung und Motiventfaltung in der Monobiblos des Properz, Graz 1980.
J. Warden, Fallax opus. Poet and Reader in the Elegies of Propertius, Toronto 1980.
K. Neumeister, Die Überwindung der elegischen Liebe bei Properz (Buch I-III), Frankfurt 1983.
J.L. Butrica, The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius, Toronto 1984.
C.R. Shea, The return of Cynthia and the structure of Propertius book IV, Urbana (Il.) 1984.
V. Eckert, Untersuchungen zur Einheit von Properz I, Heidelberg 1985.
H.P. Stahl, Propertius. Love and War. Individual and State under Augustus, Berkeley 1985.
R. Colaizzi, The voice of the poeta in Propertius 2, Berkeley 1986.
T. Papanghelis, Propertius. A Hellenistic Poet on Love and Death, Cambridge 1987 (2010).
J.C. Gruber, The relationship of love and death. Metaphor as a unifying device in the Elegies of Propertius, Columbus 1987.
M. Komp, Absage an Cynthia: das Liebesthema beim späten Properz, Frankfurt 1988.
D.T. Benediktson, Propertius: Modernist Poet of Ambiguity, Carbondale 1989.
M. Hendry, Problems of unity and design in Propertius II, Charlottesville 1990.
N. Holzberg, Die römische Liebeselegie: eine Einführung, Darmstadt 1990, ed. recogn. 2001.
R. Gazich, 'Exemplum' ed esemplarita in Properzio, Milan 1995.
H.C. Günther, Quaestiones Propertianae, Leiden 1997.
H.C. Günther, Properz und das Selbstzitat in der augusteischen Dichtung, Munich 1997.
J.K. Newman, Augustan Propertius. The Recapitulation of a Genre, Hildesheim 1997.
R.L. Frost, Poetry and place in Propertius' fourth book, diss. Philadelphia 1998.
R. M. Lucifora, Voci politiche in Properzio 'erotico': ideologia e progetto elegiaco in II, 6 e III, 11, Bari 1999.
T.S. Welch, Poetry and place in Propertius' fourth book, diss. Los Angeles 1999.
A. Orlebeke, Aspects of innovation in Propertius' third book, diss. Princeton 1999.
H. Leibinger, Kultische Situation in lyrischer und epischer Dichtung: Untersuchungen zum Realitätsbezug in einige Gedichten von Horaz, Properz, Tibull, Statius und Claudian, diss. Tübingen 2000.
B. Georg, Exegetische und schmückende Eindichtungen im ersten Properzbuch, Paderborn 2001.
M. Hubbard, Propertius, Bristol 2001.
M. Janan, The politics of desire: Propertius IV, Berkeley 2001.
C. Rambaux, Properce ou les difficultés de l'emancipation féminine, City of Brussels 2001.
M. Ruhl, Die Darstellung von Gefühlsentwicklungen in den Elegien des Properz, Göttingen 2001.
J.B. Debrohun, Roman Propertius and the Reinvention of Elegy, Michigan 2002.
J. Blair Debrohun, Roman Propertius and the reinvention of elegy, Ann Arbor 2003.
J. Booth, The "truth" about latin love poetry, Leiden 2003.
J. Clarke, Imagery of colour & shining in Catullus, Propertius and Horace, New York 2003.
S.L. James, Learned girls and male persuasion: gender and reading in latin love elegy, Berkeley 2003.
M. Pincus, Writing desire: authorial subjectivity and the intertextual entanglements of Propertian love elegy, diss. Berkeley 2003.
J. Blair DeBrohun, Roman Propertius and the Reinvention of Elegy, Ann Arbor 2003.
C. Santini, F. Santucci e.a., Properzio tra storia, arte, mito, Assisi 2004.
P. Pinotti, “Primus ingredior”: studi su Properzio, Bologna 2004.
S. Raucci, Gazing games: Propertius and the dynamics of vision, diss. Chicago 2004.
B.A. Carpenter, Personal and political humor in Propertius, diss. Madison 2004.
B.T. Arkins, An Interpretation of the poetry of Propertius (50-15 B.C,), Lewiston 2005,
T. Welch, The Elegiac Cityscape. Propertius and the Meaning of Roman Monuments, Columbus 2005.
E. Coutelle, Poétique et métapoésie chez Properce: de l'”Ars amandi” à l' “Ars scribendi”, Leuven/Paris 2005.
H.C. Günther (ed.), Brill's Companion to Propertius, Leiden 2006.
F. Cairns, Sextus Propertius. The Augustan Elegist, Cambridge 2006.
T. Riesenweber, Uneigentliches Sprechen und Bildermischung in den Elegien des Properz, Berlin/New York 2006.
J.S. Hatch, Poetic voices and Hellenistic antecedents in the elegies of Propertius, diss. Cincinnati 2007.
S.J. Heyworth, Cynthia: a companion to the text of Propertius, Oxford/New York 2007.
A.M. Keith, Propertius: Poet of Love and Leisure, London 2008.
J. Warden, Taking back the text: poetic technique in Catullus, Propertius and Tibullus, Toronto 2008.
W.R. Johnson A Latin lover in ancient Rome: readings in Propertius and his genre, Ohio 2009.
L. Weeda, The Augustan Poets Their master’s voice? A study of the political views of Vergilius Horatius and Propertius, Nijmegen 2010.
H.P. Syndikus, Die Elegien des Properz: eine Interpretation, Darmstadt 2010.
R. Cristofoli, C. Santini e.a. (edd.), Properzio fra tradizione e innovazione: atti del convegno internazionale, Assisi 2012.
R.R. Marchese, Morir d'amore: il nesso Amore/Morte nella poesia di Properzio, Palermo 2012.
G. Bonamente, R. Cristofoli, C. Santini (edd.), Le figure del mito in Properzio: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Propertius, Turnhout 2016.
A. Cafagna en P. Fedeli, Dal contesto alla costituzione del testo: il libro delle elegie di Properzio, Nordhausen 2016.
J. Wallis, Introspection and Engagement in Propertius: A Study of Book 3, Cambridge (NY) 2018.