ultima renovatio/last update: 29.10.2020.






1.     Bibliographiae - 2. Editiones - 3. Studia docta



1. Bibliographiae

W. Suerbaum, 'Zweiundvierzig Jahre Tacitus-Forschung: Systematische Gesamtbibliographie zu Tacitus' Annalen 1939-1980', in: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II, 33, 2 (1990), pp. 1032-1476.

H.W. Benario, 'Six Years of Tacitean Studies. An Analytic Bibliography on the 'Annales' (1981-1986)', in: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II, 33, 2 (1990), pp. 1477-1498.


2. Editiones

H. Furneaux, H.F. Pelham en C.D. Fischer, c. comm. (2 voll.), Oxford; vol. 1 (l. 1-6) 1896-2 (1978); vol. 2 (l. 11-16) 1907-2 (1974).

C.D. Fisher, Bibl.Ox. 1906.

K. Nipperdey en G. Andresen, c. comm. (2 voll.), Berlin; vol. 1 (l. 1-6), 1915-11 (1978); vol. 2, (l. 11-16), 1908-6 (1978).

A. Draeger en W. Heraeus, c. comm. (2 voll.), Teubner; vol. 1-2 (l. 1-6), 1917-8; vol. 2 (l. 11-16), 1914-7.

H. Fuchs, ed., Frauenfeld 1949 (1973).

C. Hoffmann, Tusculum 1954.

M. Grant, transl., Harmondsworth 1956.

E. Koestermann, (4 voll.), c. comm., Heidelberg 1963-1968.

P. Wuilleumier, (4 voll.), Budé 1974-1978; vol. 1 (l. 1-3) ed. 3. recogn. J. Hellegouarc'h 1990 (2013), vol. 2 (l. 4-6) ed. 2. recogn. H. le Bonniec 1990 (2019), vol. 3 (l. 11-12) ed. 2. recogn. 1994 (2018), vol. 4 (l. 13-16) ed. 3. recogn. J. Hellegouarc'h 1990.

H. Heubner, ed., Teubner, Stuttgart 1983.

P. Grimal, c. comm. & transl., Paris 1993.

A. Städele, c. comm. & transl. (3 voll.), Darmstadt 2011.

N.P. Miller, l. 1, c. comm., London 1959.

P. Wuilleumier, l. 13, c. comm., Paris 1964.

N.P. Miller, l. 15, c. comm., London 1973.

H.W. Benario, l. 11-12, c. comm., Lanham 1983.

K. Wellesley, l. 11-16, ed., Teubner, Leipzig 1986.

D. Shotter, l. 4, c. comm. & transl., Warminster 1989.

A.J. Woodman en R.H. Martin, l. 4, G&Y 1990.

S. Borzsák, l. 1-6, ed., Teubner, Leipzig 1991.

L. Pighetti en L. Canali, l. 1-6, c. comm. & transl., Milan 1994.

L. Pighetti, l. 11-16, c. comm. & transl., Milan 1994.

F. Goodyear, l. 1-6, c. comm. (3 voll.), Cambridge; vol. 1 (l. 1, 1-54), 1972; vol. 2 (l. 1, 55-81, l. 2), 1981; vol. 3, (l. 3), 1996.

A.J. Woodman en R.H. Martin, l. 3, c. comm., Cambridge 1996.

R. Martin en M. Willcock, l. 5-6, c. comm. & transl., Warminster 2001.

S. Bartera, l. 16, 1-20, c. comm., diss. Charlottesville 2008.

J. Tapia Zúñiga, l. 11-12, c. transl. & annott., Mexico City 2009.

A. De Vivo, l. 11 c. comm. & transl., Rome 2011.

C. Damon, transl., London/New York 2012.

S. Malloch, l. 11, c. comm, Cambridge 2013.

C. Formicola, l. 4, c. comm. & transl., Naples 2013.

A.J. Woodman, l. 5-6, c. comm., Cambridge 2017.

L. Fratantuono, l. 16, c. comm., London/New York 2017.

R. Ash, l. 15, G&Y 2018.


3. Studia docta

B. Walker, The Annals of Tacitus. A Study in the Writing of History, Manchester 1968-2.

F. Graf, Untersuchungen über die Komposition der Annalen des Tacitus, diss. Bern 1931.

E. Hahn, Die Exkurse in den Annalen des Tacitus, diss. Munich/Leipzig 1953.

C. Questa, Studi sulle fonti degli Annales di Tacito, Rome 1963.

L.E. Hardy, The imperial women in Tacitus' Annales, Bloomington 1976.

J.R. Ginsburg, Tacitus and the annalistic form. A study in the structure of Annales I-VI, Berkeley 1977.

J.R. Ginsburg, Tradition and Theme in the Annals of Tacitus, New York 1981.

P. Sinclair, Pitiless diagnoses and deadly appendages. The rhetorical and historiographical background to Tacitus' sententiae in Annales 1-6, Evanston 1987.

O. Devillers, L'art de la persuasion dans les Annales de Tacite, City of Brussels 1994.

F. Holztrattner, Poppaea Neronis potens: die Gestalt der Poppaea Sabina in den Nerobüchern des Tacitus: mit einem Anhang zu Claudia Acte, Horn-Graz 1995.

P. Sinclair, Tacitus the Sententious Historian: a sociology of rhetoric in Annales 1-6, University Park, PA, 1995.

J.E. Doronzo, The past and historical change in Tacitus' Annales and Historiae, diss. New York 1996.

M. Pfordt, Studien zur Darstellung der Aussenpolitik in den Annalen des Tacitus, Frankfurt 1998.

E. O'Gorman, Irony and misreading in the Annals of Tacitus, Cambridge 1999.

O. Devillers, Tacite et les sources des “Annales”: enquêtes sur la méthode historique, Leuven 2003.

F.S. L’Hoir, Tragedy, rhetoric and the Historiography of Tacitus’ Annales, Ann Arbor 2006.

S. Bartera, A commentary on Tacitus, Annals 16.1-20, diss. Charlottesville 2008.

M.A. Nickbakht, Tacitus und das “senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre”: Untersuchungen zur historischen Arbeitsweise des Tacitus in den “Annalen”, diss. Düsseldorf 2008.

E.A. Parks, The portrayal of women in the “Annales” of Tacitus, diss. Boston 2008.

M. Hausmann, Die Leserlenkung durch Tacitus in den Tiberius- und Claudiusbüchern der "Annalen", Berlin, New York 2009.

R. Mellor, Tacitus’ Annals, Oxford 2011.

F. Galtier, L’image tragique de l'Histoire chez Tacite: étude des schèmes tragiques dans les “Histoires” et les “Annales”, Brussel 2011.

K.E. Shannon-Henderson, Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals, Oxford 2019.


 Index generalis