ultima renovatio/last update 21.10.2020.




specialia: satyrica


1. Bibliographiae - 2. Studia docta



1. Bibliographiae

W. Anderson, Recent Work in Roman Satire (1937-1955), in: The Classical Weekly 50 (1956-1957), pp.33-40; id., Recent Work in Roman Satire (1955-1962), in: Id. 57 (1963-1964), pp.193-228; id., Recent Work in Roman Satire (1962-1968), in: Id. 63 (1969-1970), pp. 181-194; 199; 217-222; id., Recent Work in Roman Satire (1968-1978), in : Id. 75 (1981-1982), pp.273-299.


2. Studia docta

J.W. Duff, Roman Satire, its Outlook on Social Life, Berkeley 1936 (Hamden 1964).

C.A. v. Rooy, Studies in Classical Satire and Related Literary Theory, Leiden 1956.

U. Knoche, Die römische Satire, Göttingen 1957 (1982).

G. Highet, Anatomy of Satire, Princeton 1963.

C.H. Witke, Latin Satire. The Structure of Persuasion, Leiden 1970.

M. Coffey, Roman Satire, London/New York 1976.

E.P. Kirk, Menippean Satire: An Annotated Catalogue of Texts and Criticism, New York 1980.  

W.S. Anderson, Essays on Roman Satire, Princeton, New Jersey, 1982.

J. Adamietz, Die Römische Satire, Darmstadt 1986.

N. Rudd, Themes in Roman Satire, Norman 1986.

D.R. Smith, The programmatic convention of Roman satire, Minneapolis 1988.

S.H. Braund, Satire and Society in Ancient Rome, Exeter 1989.

S.H. Braund, Roman verse satire, Oxford 1992.

C. Waser, Studien zur Rolle der Frau in der römischen Satire, diss. Salzburg 1993.

J.R.C. Martin (ed.), Juvenal: a farrago: a collection of articles on the Satires of Juvenal and on Roman satire, Amsterdam 1996.

S.M. Braund, The Roman Satirists and Their Masks, Bristol 1996.

S.M. Braund en B.K. Gold, Roman satire and corporeal discourse, Baltimore 1998.

J. Henderson, Writing Down Rome - Satire, Comedy, and Other Offences in Latin Poetry, Oxford 1999.

C. Keane, Model behavior: generic construction in Roman satire, diss. Philadelphia 1999.

K. Freudenburg, Satires of Rome: threatening poses from Lucilius to Juvenal, Cambridge 2001.

K. Freundenburg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire, Cambridge 2005.

P.A. Miller, Latin verse satire, an anthology and reader, London 2005.

C. Keane, Figuring Genre in Roman Satire, Oxford 2006.

M. Plaza, The Function of Humour in Roman Verse Satire. Laughing & Lying, Oxford 2006.

D.M. Hooley, Roman Satire, Oxford 2007.

J.L. Ferriss-Hill, Roman Satire and the Old Comic Tradition, New York 2015.


Index generalis