ultima renovatio/last update 20.10.2020.





1.     Bibliographiae – 2. Editiones – 3. Indices – 4. Studia docta


1. Bibliographiae

K. Rosen, Ammianus Marcellinus, Darmstadt 1982.

F.W. Jenkins, Ammianus Marcellinus: an annotated bibliography 1474 to the present, Leiden 2017.


2. Editiones

J.A. Wagner, ed. cum notis variorum, Leipzig 1808.

C.U. Clark, L. Traube en W. Heraeus, ed. (2 voll.), Berlin 1910-1915 (1963).

J.C. Rolfe, (3 voll.), Loeb 1935-1940; vol. 1 ed. recogn. 1950.

W. Seyfart, c. comm. & transl. (4 voll.), Darmstadt-Berlijn 1968-1971 (1986-1988).

W. Seyfart e.a., (2 voll.), Teubner, Stuttgart 1978 (1999).

M. Caltabiano, c. transl., Milan 1989.

O. Veh en G. Wirt, transl., Amsterdam 1997 (Zürich 1974).


J. Szidat, Historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 20-21, (2 voll.), Wiesbaden 1977-1981 (Stuttgart 1996).

R.C. Blockley, Ammianus Marcellinus. A Selection, anthol., c. comm., Bristol 1981.

G. Viansino, l. 14-21, c. transl. (3 voll.), Milan 2001-2002.

F. Feraco, Ammiano geografo: la digressione sulla Persia 1. 23, 6, c. comm. & transl., Naples 2004.

F. Feraco, Ammiano geografo: nuovi studi, anthol. c. comm. & transl., Naples 2011.


E. Galletier, l. 14-16, Budé 1968 (2018).

G. Sabbah, l. 17-19, Budé 1970 (2002).

J. Fontaine, l. 23-25, Budé 1977 (2002).

M.A. Marié, l. 24-28, Budé 1984 (2002).

J.D. Berger en E. Frézouls, l. 20-22, Budé 1996 (2018).

L.A. de la Beaumelle en G. Sabbah, l. 29-31, Budé 1999 (2018).


P. de Jonge, Sprachlicher und historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus, comm., l. 14, 1-7, Groningen 1935; l. 14, 7-11, Groningen 1939 (1 vol., Groningen 1972).

P. de Jonge, Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, comm., l. 15, 1-5, Groningen 1948; l. 15, 6-13, Groningen 1953 (1 vol., Groningen 1972).

P. de Jonge, Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 16, comm., Groningen 1972.

P. de Jonge, Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 17, comm., Groningen 1979.

P. de Jonge, Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 18, comm., Groningen 1980.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 20, Groningen 1987.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 21, Groningen 1991.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 22, Groningen 1995.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 23, Groningen 1998.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 24,  Leiden 2002.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 25, Leiden 2005.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 26, Leiden 2008.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 27, Leiden 2009.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 28, Leiden 2011.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 29, Leiden 2013.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 30, Leiden 2015.

J. den Boeft e.a., Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus, l. 31, Leiden 2018.


            3. Indices

G. Archbold, A Concordance to the History of Ammianus Marcellinus (49 Microfiches), Univ. of Toronto pr. 1980.

M. Chiabò (ed.), Index verborum Ammiani Marcellini, (2 voll.), Hildesheim 1983.

I. Viansino, Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum lexicon, (2 voll.), Hildesheim 1985.


4. Studia docta

H. Hagendahl, Studia Ammianea, Uppsala univ. Arsskrift 1921; Eranos XXII (1924), pp. 161-216.

W. Ensslin, Zur Geschichtsschreibung und Weltanschauung des Ammianus Marcellinus, Leipzig 1923.

E.A. Thompson, The Historical Work of Ammianus Marcellinus, Cambridge 1947.

C.P.T. Naudé, Ammianus Marcellinus in die lig van die antieke geskiedskrywing, diss. Leiden 1956.

S.E. Barnard, An historiographical study of Ammianus Marcellinus, New Haven 1966.

G.A. Crump, Ammianus Marcellinus as a military historian, Urbana 1969.

K. Rosen, Studien zur Darstellungskunst und Glaubwürdigkeit des Ammianus Marcellinus, Bonn 1970.

T.G. Elliott, Ammianus Marcellinus and Fourth Century History, Toronto 1973.

H. Drexler, Ammianstudien, Hildesheim 1974.

R.C. Blockley, Ammianus Marcellinus. A Study of his Historiography and Political Thought, City of Brussels 1975.

E. Plaikner, Vorzeichen, Träume und Prophezeiungen bei Ammianus Marcellinus, diss. Innsbruck 1978.

G. Sabbah, La méthode d'Ammien Marcellin. Recherches sur la construction du discours historique dans les "Res gestae", Paris 1978.

N.J.E. Austin, Ammianus on Warfare. An Investigation into Ammianus' Military Knowledge, City of Brussels 1979.

K. Rosen, Ammianus Marcellinus, Darmstadt 1982.

W.K. Bulla, Untersuchungen zu Ammianus Marcellinus, Munich 1983.

V. Neri, Ammiano e il cristianesimo. Religione e politica nelle Res gestae di Ammiano Marcellino, Bologna 1985.

R. Seager, Ammianus Marcellinus: Seven Studies in his Language and Thought, Columbia, MO 1986.

G. De Bonfils, Ammiano Marcellino e l'imperatore, Bari 1986 (1997).

R.L. Rike, Apex omnium. Religion in the Res Gestae of Ammianus, Berkeley 1987.

J. Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus, Londen 1989 (Ann Arbor 2007).

M.P. van de Wiel, Hoofdstukken uit de geschiedenis van Rome in Ammianus Marcellinus' res gestae, diss. Amsterdam 1989.

M. Kautt-Bender, Vielfalt und Funktion der Darstellungselemente in den Res Gestae des Ammians Marcellinus, s.l. 1991.

J.T. Kearney, Ammianus Marcellinus and his Roman audience, Ann Arbor 1991.

R.M. Frakes, Audience and meaning in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus, Santa Barbara 1991.

J. den Boeft e.a. (edd.), Cognitio gestorum: the historiographic art of Ammianus Marcellinus, Amsterdam 1992.

M. Navarra, Riferimenti normativi e prospettive giuspubblicistiche nelle Res gestae di Ammiano Marcellino, Milan 1994.

N. Baglivi, Ammianea, Catania 1995.

A. Hereijgers, Ammianus & Rome: een alternatieve interpretatie, Nijmegen 1996.

T.D. Barnes, Ammianus Marcellinus and the representation of historical reality, Ithaca, NY, 1998.

D.S. Rohrbacher, Ammianus Marcellinus and the imperial bureaucracy: a historiographical study, Washington 1998.

J.W. Drijvers - D. Hunt, The late Roman world and its historian: interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus, London 1999.

A. Brandt, Moralische Werte in den "Res gestae" des Ammianus Marcellinus, Göttingen 1999.

A. Wieber-Scariot, Zwischen Polemik und Panegyrik: Frauen des Kaiserhauses und Herrscherinnen des Ostens in den "Res gestae" des Ammianus Marcellinus, Trier 1999.

F. Wittchow, Exemplarisches Erzählen bei Ammianus Marcellinus: Episode, Exemplum, Anekdote, Munich 2001.

P. Riedl, Factoren des historischen Prozesses: eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu Tacitus und Ammianus Marcellinus, Tübingen, 2002.

P.H. O’Brien, Speeches and imperial characterization in Ammianus Marcellinus, diss. Boston 2002.

P. Alvarez, The impact of rhetoric and education on the “Res gestae” of Ammianus Marcellinus, diss. Edmonton 2006.

G. Kelly, Ammianus Marcellinus. The allusive historian, Cambridge 2008.

J. den Boeft e.a. (edd.), Ammianus after Julian: the reign of Valentinian and Valens in Books 26-31 of the “Res Gestae”, Leiden 2007.

 D. Brodka, Ammianus Marcellinus : Studien zum Geschichtsdenken im vierten Jahrhundert n. Chr., Kraków 2009.

W. Vergin, Das Imperium Romanum und seine Gegenwelten : die geographisch-ethnographische Exkurse in den “Res Gestae” des Ammianus Marcellinus, Berlin 2013.

S. Bocci, Ammiano Marcellino, 28 e 29 : problemi storici e storiografici, Rome 2013.

A.J. Ross, Ammianus’ Julian: narrative and genre in the “Res Gestae”, Oxford 2016.


Index generalis