ultima renovatio/last update 29.10.2020.





1. Palaeographia – 2. Ars critica



1. Palaeographia

T. Birt, Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhältnis zur Literatur, Berlin 1882 (Aalen 1959).

E. Chatelain, La paléographie des classiques latins (2 voll.), Paris 1884-1892.

S. de Vries, Album palaeographicum, tab. LIV selectae cod. gr. et lat., Leiden 1909.

F. Steffens, Proben aus Handschriften lateinischer Schriftsteller (24 tab.), ed. 2. recogn., Trier 1909.

E.M. Thompson, A Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography, Oxford 1903 (1975).

E.M. Thompson, An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography, Oxford 1912 (1964).

W.M. Lindsay, Palaeographia Latina (6 voll.), London 1912-1929 (1 vol., Hildesheim 1974).

W.M. Lindsay, Notae Latinae. An Account of Abbreviations in Latin MSS of the Early Minuscule Period (c. 700-850), Cambridge 1915 (Hildesheim 1972).

F. Steffens, Lateinische Palaeographie (125 tab.), ed. 2. recogn., Berlin 1929 (1964).

F. Ehrle en P. Liebaert, Specimina codicum latinorum vaticanorum (50 tab.), Berlin 1932-2.

E.A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the Ninth Century (12 voll.), Oxford 1934-1966; vol. 2, ed. 2. recogn., Oxford 1972.

J. Mallon, C. Perrat en R. Marichal, L'écriture latine de la capitale à la minuscule, Paris 1939.

G. Batelli, Lezioni di paleografia, ed. 3. recogn., Vatican City 1949.

F.G. Kenyon, Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome, ed. 3. recogn., Oxford 1951.

J, Mallon, Paléographie romaine, Madrid 1952.

A. Capelli, Lexicon abbreviaturarum, Leipzig 1954-5 (Milaan 1973, 1990). A. Pelzer, Abréviations latines médiévales. Supplément au Dizionario di abreviature latine ed italiane de A. Capelli, ed. 2., Leuven 1966.

W. Schubart, Das Buch bei den Griechen und Römern, Heidelberg 1962-3.

A. Dain, Les manuscrits, Paris 1965-2.

R. Merkelbach en H. v. Thiel, Lateinisches Leseheft zur Einführung in die Paläographie und Textkritik, Göttingen 1969.

G. Cambier e.a. (edd.), Lettres latines du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance, City of Brussels 1978.

L. Schiaprelli, La scrittura latina nell'età romana, Hildesheim 1979.

C. Questa en R. Rafaelli (edd.), Atti del convegno internazaionale Il libro e il testo: Urbino, 20-23 settembre 1982, Urbino 1984.

B. Bischoff (transl. by D. Ó Cróinín & D. Ganz),  Latin paleography: antiquity and the Middle Ages, Cambridge 1989.

G. Ballaira, Esempi di scrittura latina dell'età romana, vol. 1 Dal III-II secolo a.C. al I secolo d. C., Alexandria 1993.

G. Cencetti en G. P. Nikolaj, Scritti di paleografia, Zürich 1993.

P.O. Kristeller, Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600: A List of the Printed and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections, Munich 1993.

C.A. Chavannes-Mazel en M.M. Smith edd., Medieval manuscripts of the Latin classics: production and use, Los Altos Hills 1996.

G. Cencetti, Giorgio Cencetti e la scrittura latina: atti del Convegno di Bologna del 24 febbraio 1999, Bologna 2000.

P. Berry, Roman handwriting at the time of Christ, Lewiston 2001.

D. Williman en K Corsano, Early provenances of Latin manuscripts in the Vatican library: Vaticani latini and Borghesiani, Vatican City 2002.

P.O. Kristeller, Latin manuscript books before 1600, Hannover 2007.

T. Frenz, Abkürzungen. Die Abbreviaturen der lateinischen Schrift von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Stuttgart 2010.

L.D. Reynolds, Scribes and scholars: a guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature, Oxford 2013.

E. Kwakkel (ed.), Manuscripts of the Latin classics 800-1200, Leiden 2015.


2. Ars critica

W.M. Lindsay, An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation Based on the Text of Plautus, London 1896.

L. Havet, Manuel de critique verbale appliquée aux textes latins, Paris 1911 (1967).

A. Housman, The application of thought to textual criticism, in: Proceedings of the classical association 18 (1921), p. 67-84.

F. della Corte, La filologia latina dalle origine a Varrone, Florence 1937, 1981-2.

J. Bidez en A.B. Drachmann, Emploi des signes critiques, disposition de l'apparat dans les éditions savantes de textes grecs et latins. Conseils et recommandations, City of Brussels, Paris 1938.

V. Buescu, Problèmes de critique et d'histoire textuelle, Boekarest-Paris 1942 (Hildesheim 1973).

G. Pasquali, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo, ed. 2. recogn., Florence 1952 (1962).

H. Dahlmann en R, Merkelbach, Studien zur Textgeschichte und Textkritik, Opladen 1959.

P. Maas, Textkritik, Leipzig 1960-4. tr. Textual Criticism, Oxford 1958.

H. Hunger en O. Stegmüller e.a., Geschichte der Textüberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur. Vol.1, Überlieferungsgeschichte der antiken Literatur, Zürich 1961.

B.A. v. Groningen, Traité d'histoire et de critique des textes, Groningen 1963.

S. Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, Firenze 1963 (1981); Die Entstehung der Lachmannschen Methode, 2. erweiterte und überarbeitete Aufl., Hamburg 1971; The Genesis of Lachmann's Method, ed. and transl. G.W. Most, Chicago, London 2005

J. Willis, Latin Textual Criticism, Urbana, Illinois, 1972.

E. Wingo, Latin Punctuation in the Classical Age, The Hague-Paris 1972.

E. Kenney, The Classical Text. Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 1974.

A. Dain, Les manuscrits, ed. 3. recogn., Paris 1975.

M.L. West, Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique applicable to Greek and Latin Texts, Stuttgart 1973.

G. Alberti, Problemi di critica testuale, Florence 1979.

F. Paschke (ed.), Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen, Berlin 1981.

J. Zetzel, Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity, New York 1981.

J.N. Grant (ed.), Editing Greek and Latin texts: papers given at the twenty-third annual conference on editorial problems, Univ. of Toronto 6-7 November 1987, New York 1989.

O. Pecere en M.D. Reeve (edd.), Formative stages of classical traditions: Latin texts from antiquity to the renaissance, Spoleto 1995.

G. Most (ed.), Editing texts, Texte edieren, Göttingen 1998.

E. Pöhlmann, Einführung in die Überlieferungsgeschichte und in die Textkritik der antiken Literatur, (2 voll.), Darmstadt 1994-2003; vol. 1 (Altertum), ed. recogn. 2003.

H.U. Kantorowicz, Introduzione alla critica del testo: esposizione sistematica dei principi della critica del testo per filologi e giuristi, Rome 2007.

M.D. Reeve, Manuscripts and methods: essays on editing and transmission, Rome 2011.

R. Tarrant, Texts, editors, and readers: methods and problems in Latin textual criticism, Cambridge 2016.

A. Grafton en G.W. Most (edd.), Canonical texts and scholarly practices:

 a global comparative approach, Cambridge 2016.


Index generalis