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Last update 22 March 2017


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Bibliographical Aid to the Study of Renaissance Latin Texts


© Marc van der Poel, Classics, Nijmegen 





A. Lexicografical Aids

    A.1 Renaissance dictionaries of Latin

    A.2 Modern dictionaries of Latin

        A.2.1 Classical Latin

        A.2.2. Patristic and Church Latin

        A.2.3. Medieval Latin

            A.2.3.1. Complete dictionaries and wordlists

            A.2.3.2. Dictionaries in the course of publication

        A.2.4. Humanistic Latin


B. Characteristics of Humanistic Latin

    B.1 Background: Classical and Medieval Latin

    B.2 Humanistic Latin: General studies on language and style

    B.3. Humanistic Latin: General studies on language and style by period or region/country

    B.4. Humanistic Latin: Prose

        B.4.1. From medieval Latin to humanistic Latin

        B.4.2. Humanistic Latin and the vernacular               

        B.4.3. literary styles in humanistic Latin prose

        B.4.4. Scientific Latin in the Renaissance

    B.5. Poetry and metre (by Werner Gelderblom)

        B.5.1. Humanistic metrical theory

            B.5.1.1. Works by  metrical theoreticians

            B.5.1.2. Studies on humanistic metrical theory

        B.5.2. Humanistic metrical practice

            B.5.2.1. General studies on Neo-Latin metre

            B.5.2.2. Studies on Neo-Latin metre by author/text

        B.5.3. Prose Rhythm (clausulae) in Neo-Latin

    B.6. Studies of the language and style of individual texts and authors

        B.6.1. Texts

        B.6.2. Authors         


C. Editing Renaissance Latin Texts

    C.1 General remarks

    C.2 Practical guides

    C.3. Studies on particular aspects of editing Renaissance Latin texts

        C.3.1. Orthography of classical Latin and Neolatin

        C.3.2. Punctuation and accents

        C.3.3. Material aspects of old printings

        C.3.4 Problems of dating
C.3.5 Placenames

        C.3.6. Latin Abbreviations and Greek Ligatures


D. Identification of Renaissance authors





A. Lexicografical Aids


There is no complete dictionary of humanistic or Renaissance Latin. Therefore one must use the available dictionaries of classical, patristic and medieval Latin as a starting point and complement these with the such lexicographical tools for the study of Renaissance Latin texts as one can find. Below is a list of some useful dictionaries. One can find wordlists with neologisms in the yearly volumes of Humanistica Lovaniensia and in some modern critical editions of Renaissance Latin authors or texts. Some of these are mentioned in the list below.


    A.1 Renaissance dictionaries of Latin


Some Latin dictionaries and lexicographical studies composed by humanists are particularly worthwhile to consult.  Here is a brief selection:


- L. Valla (1407-1457), Elegantiae linguae Latinae (completed ca. 1440, first printed ed. 1471). This detailed study of the idiom of classical Latin circulated widely during the Renaissance, both in manuscript form and in printed editions.  Modern edition, based on five printed edition published between 1471 and 1557, with translation and notes  by :  L. Valla, De linguae latinae elegantia. Introd., ed.crit. trad. y notas por S. López Moreda, 2 voll., Cáceres 1999.

- N. Perotti (ca. 1430-1480), Cornucopiae seu linguae Latinae commentarii, first printed ed. 1489. Encyclopedic commentary on the epigrams of Martial; many Renaissance editions. Modern edition: N. Perotti, Cornu copiae seu linguae latinae commentarii, edd. J.-L. Charlet e.a., 8 voll., Sassoferrato 1989-2001.

- Calepino. The first edition of the Latin-Italian dictionary by Ambrogio Calepino (1435-1511) dates from 1502. It became very popular in the Renaissance and there exist many editions and printings; in some editions, the Latin words were not only translated in Italian, but also in other, up to eleven, languages. Some examples (all taken from the catalog of the Radboud University Nijmegen):  

          A. Calepini lexicon (latinum) (1531); P.Inc.272

          A. Calepini dictionarium linguae septem (1572) : 85 a 3

          A. Calepini dictionarium hexaglottum (1568) : 34 a 6

          A. Calepini dictionarium octo linguarum (1584): 513 a 10)

          A. Calepini dictionarium undecim linguarum (1545): 478 a 4

- R. Stephanus (1503-1559), Dictionarium, seu Latinae linguae Thesaurus (1532); many editions during the Renaissance.

- M. Nizolius (1498-1566), Thesaurus Ciceronianus (1535), many editions with varying titles.

- E. Spanoghe a.o., Synonymia Latino-Teutonica, 3 voll., Antwerpen 1889. Spanoghe inverted the well-known 17th-century Dutch-Latin dictionary by Kiliaen (ca.1528-1607) and thus produced a useful Latin-Dutch dictionary which records the Latin lexicon of the 17th century in Holland. Full title of Kiliaen: C.Kiliaen, Etymologicum Teutonicae linguae sive dictionarium Teutonico-latinum, praecipuas Teutonicae linguae dictiones et phrases latine redditas, & cum aliis nonnullis linguis obiter collatas, complectens; there are several editions, e.g. ed.1574 (repr.Hildesheim 1975), ed.tertia, 1599 (repr. Den Haag 1972), ed. by G.Hasselt, 1777 (2 vols.)

-P. Dasypodius, Dictionarium latinogermanicum, Strasburg 1536 (reprint New York 1974)

- J. Serranus, Dictionarium Latinogermanicum, Neurenberg 1539 (reprint New York 1974)

- Th. Thomas, Dictionarium Linguae Latinae et Anglicanae, Cambridge 1587 (reprint Menston 1972); online available to licensed suscribers of LEME (Lexicons of Early Modern English).

- Th. Cooper, Thesaurus linguae Romanae & Britannicae, London 1565 (Reprint on 19 microfiches, London 1974); online version of the Archimedes Project

·    - J. Altenstaig, Lexicon Theologicum, Cologne 1619 (reprint Hildesheim 1974; first ed. with the title Vocabularius theologiae, 1517).




    A.2. Modern Latin dictionaries


    A.2.1. Classical Latin (= ancient Latin)


- Thesaurus Linguae Latinae:

Vol. I – VIII (A–M) Leipzig 1900 – 1966
Vol. IX 2 (O) Leipzig 1968 – 1981
Vol. X 1, 1–13 (p – pictor) (München/Stuttgart/) Leipzig 1982 – 2001
Vol. X 2, 1–13 (porta – propositio) (München/Stuttgart/) Leipzig 1980 – 2002
Supplementum: Onomasticon
Vol. II- III (C u. D) Leipzig 1909 – 1923
Index librorum scriptorum inscriptionum, ex quibus exempla afferuntur, Leipzig 1904 (Supplement 1958), 2.ed. 1990
Praemonenda de rationibus et usu operis (mehrsprachig), Leipzig 1990
Thesaurus linguae Latinae, CDROM Edition, München/Leipzig 2002

- A. Forcellini, Totius latinitatis Lexicon, 6 voll., Padua 1755; Padua 1858-1879 (edd. A. Forcellini - De-Vit); Padua 1913 (1940) (edd. A. Forcellini - Corradini - Perin); German ed. in 4 vols., Schneeberg 1831-1835. Based in part on various Renaissance Latin dictionaries, this dictionary retains many words considered to be classical in the Renaissance but rejected by modern scholars as faulty variants or conjectures. At the end of the work, there is a list of words included in Renaissance dictionaries which Forcellini rejects as unclassical ('Verba partim graece latine scripta, partim barbara, partim nullo aut minus idoneo auctore sparsa in lexicis Calepini, Passeratii, Basilii Fabri, Juncteri et aliorum, a nobis improbata et expulsa'; vol. 4, p. 506-538 in the German edition).  Online available to licensed subscribers of Brepolis database of Latin dictionaries; separate entries can be purchased in pdf-format here.

- C.Lewis - C.Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford 1879 (Classical Latin; also the Vulgate). Also available on Perseus

- H.Bauer, ed., F.A. Heinichens lateinisch-deutsches Schulwörterbuch. Ausgabe mit Berücksichtigung ausgewählter mittellateinischer Schriftsteller. 10. Aufl. des ursprunglichen Werkes, Leipig 1931 and reprints ('Der Taschen-Heinichen')

- K.E. Georges - H.Georges, Ausführliches Lateinisch-Deutsches Handwörterbuch, 2 voll., Hannover 1913-1918 (Darmstadt 1985).

- P.G. Glare, ed. , Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford 1982

- A. Souter, A Glossary of Later Latin to 600 AD, Oxford 1949, 19643

    A.2.2. Patristic and Church Latin


- A. Blaise, Dictionnaire Latin-Français des auteurs chrétiens, Strasbourg 1954 (1986, with additions and corrections). Online available to licensed subscribers of Brepolis database of Latin dictionaries.

- A. Sleumer, Kirchenlateinisches Wörterbuch, Limburg a.d.L. 19262.


    A.2.3. Medieval Latin


    A.2.3.1. Complete dictionaries and wordlists


- Fr. Arnaldi - P. Smiraglia, Latinitatis Italicae medii aevi Lexicon (saec. V ex. - saec. XI in.), ed. altera, Florence 2001.

- S.Axters, Scholastiek Lexicon, Antwerpen 1937 (idiom of Thomas Aquinas)
- A. Bartal, Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis Regni Hungarii, Leipzig 1901 (Hildesheim 1970)

- A. Blaise, Lexicon Latinitatis medii aevi praesertim ad res ecclesiasticas investigandas pertinens, Turnhout 1975 (CC, continuatio mediaevalis)

- E. Brinckmeier, Glossarium diplomaticum zur Erläuterung schwieriger lateinischer, hoch- und besonders niederdeutscher Wörter und Formeln, welche sich in öffentlichen und Privaturkunden (...) des gesammten Mittelalters finden, 2 vols, Hamburg 1855-1856 (reprint Aalen 1967)

- S. Clasen, 'Collectanea zum Studien- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters (Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kölner Universität und der Mendikantenstudien)', Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 42 (1960), 159-206; 248-271. (scholastic latin of the late medieval universities)

- K.E. Demandt, Laterculus notarum. Lateinisch-deutsche Interpretationshilfen für spätmittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Archivalien. 5. Auflage, Marburg 1992.

- L. Diefenbach, Glossarium Latino-Germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis, Frankfurt/M 1857 (Darmstadt 1968); Novum glossarium etc., Frankfurt/M 1867 (Aalen 1964)

- Du Cange, Glossarium medium et infimae Latinitatis, 7 vols., Paris 1840-1850; 10 vols., Niort 1883-1887 (Graz 1954) (first ed. 1678). Online available to licensed subscribers of Brepolis database of Latin dictionaries.

- Firmini Verris Dictionarius (1440) = Dictionnaire latin-français de Firmin le Ver, ed. B. Merrilees, W. Edwards, Turnhout 1994.  Online available to licensed subscribers of Brepolis database of Latin dictionaries. 

- J.Fuchs - O.Weijers a.o., Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae medii aevi, 8 voll., Leiden 1970-2005

- E. Habel, Mittellateinisches Glossar, Paderborn 1931 (19598)

- R. Hakamies, Glossarium Latinitatis Medii Aevi Finlandicae, Helsinki 1958

- R.E. Latham, Revised Medieval Latin Word-List from British and Irish Sources, London 1965

- W. Maigne d'Arnis, Lexicon manuale ad scripturas mediae et infimae latinitatis: ex glossariis Caroli Dufresne, D. Ducangii, D.P. Carpentarii, Adelungii, et aliorum, in compendium accuratissime redactum (...), 1 vol., Paris 1866 (repr. 1890)

- J.F. Niermeyer - C. van de Kieft, Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus: Lexique latin médiéval – Medieval Latin Dictionary – Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, rev.ed. J. Burgers, 2 voll., Leiden 2002

- P. Sella, Glossario Latino Emiliano, Città del Vaticano 1937

- P. Sella, Glossario Latino Italiano. Stato della Chiesa-Veneto-Abruzzi, Città del Vaticano 1944

- G.J. Vossius, De vitiis sermonis et glossematis Latino-barbaris libri IV, Leiden 1645 (second ed. 1666; libri IX, A'dam 1695) 

-J. Considine, Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage, Cambridge 2009.


    A.2.3.2. Dictionaries in the course of publication


- M. Plezia, J. Mruk, A. Baś-Kulbicka, eds., Lexicon mediae et infimae Latinitatis Polonorum, 41 fascicles, Warsaw 1953-... (2006)  

- Novum Glossarium mediae latinitatis ab anno DCCC usque ad annum MCC, L-Pingo, Hafniae (Copenhagen) 1959-...(1989).

- Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch bis zum ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert, vol.1-2 (A-C); vol.3 fasc.1-9 (d-evito), München 1959-(2000)

- R.E. Latham a.o., Dictionary of Mediaeval Latin from British Sources, vol. 1-10 (Pel-Phi), Londen 1975-...(2006)



    A.2.4. Renaissance Latin dictionaries and wordlists


    general dictionaries, wordlists


- R. Hoven, Lexique de la Prose Latine de la Renaissance. Deuxième ed. revue et considérablement augmentée, Dictionary of Renaissance Latin from prose sources, Leiden 2006 (first ed., only in French, 1994).

- J. Ramminger, Neulateinische Wortliste 1300-1700.

- J. Ramminger ‘De verborum significatu vel rationibus lexicorum condendorum’, in: Symposion Latinitatis Posthumanisticae. Vorträge einer Tagung der Arbeitsstelle für Neulatein an der Universität des Saarlandes. 28.-29. Aug. 1987. ed. Ch. Helfer, Saarbrücken 1988, 135-144.

 - R.J. Schoeck e.a., A Step towards a Neo-Latin Lexicon: A first word-list drawn from 'Humanistica Lovaniensia', Humanistica Lovaniensia 39 (1990), 340-365; 40 (1991), 423-445. See also the Instrumentum lexicographicum in the yearly issues of Humanistica Lovaniensia.
- O. Weijers, ed. Vocabulaire des collèges universitaires (XIIIe-XVIe siècles), Actes du colloque Leuven 9-11 avril 1992, Turnhout 1993.
- S. Clasen OFM, Collectanea zum Studien- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters (Mit besonderer  Berücksichtigung der Kölner Universität und der Mendikantenstudien), in: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 42 (1960), 159-206; 247-271. (list of technical vocabulary used in the university) 
- W. Weidler & P.A. Grun, unter Mitarbeit von K.H. Lampe, Latein für den Sippenforscher: Wörterbuch, 2. völlig umgearb. und erg.
Aufl., 2 voll., 1965-1969 (first ed. 1939).


     wordlists by author, genre or text


- N. Gross, "Vocabula Civitatis Solis a Thoma Campanella Scriptae," in: Retiarius 1 (1998).

- N. Gross, "Baconiana vocabula neolatina," in: Vox Latina 82 (1985), 531-35.
- N. Gross, "Vocabula neolatina Utopiae Morianae," in: Vox Latina 79 (1985), 80-84.

- W. S. Heckscher, The Princeton Alciati Companion: A Glossary of Neo-Latin Words and Phrases used by Andrea Alciati and the Emblem Book Writers of His Time, New York 1989.

- C.H. Rawski, Vocabularium Petrarchicum minus: A Handlist of Late Antique and Medieval Latin Words in the Works of Petrarch, in: The Journal of Medieval Latin, 5 (1995), 119-157

- E. Wolff, "Mots rares et mots nouveaux dans les Colloques d'Érasme," in: Revue des études latines, 69 (1991), 166-86.
- R.
Muller, Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms: Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology. Grand Rapids 1985



B. Characteristics of Humanistic Latin


    B.1. Background: Classical and Medieval Latin


The starting point for the study of the linguistic and stylistic characteristics of humanistic Latin is the grammar of the literary Latin written by the classical authors and described in grammars such as:

- Allen and Greenough's new Latin grammar for schools and colleges, founded on comparative grammar, first ed. 1872. Available on Perseus.

- R. Kühner, C. Stegmann, Ausführliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache, zweiter Teil: Satzlehre, 2 voll., 5th ed. by A. Thierfelder, 1955 (Darmstadt 1976);

- M. Leumann, J. Hofmann, A. Szantyr, Lateinische Grammatik, zweiter Band, Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik, München 1965, zweiter Nachdruck 1997.


In addition, it is useful to consult surveys of the peculiarites of medieval Latin, such as:

- C. H. Beeson, A Primer of Medieval Latin. An anthology of prose and poetry, Chicago 1925 (and reprints), 13-28

- K. Strecker, Einführung in das Mittellatein, Berlin 19393

- id., Introduction à l'étude du latin médiéval, trad. P..v.d. Woestijne, Lille-Genève 1948.

- id., Introduction to medieval Latin, English transl. and revision by R.B. Palmer, Dublin-Zürich 1968.

- K. Langosch, Lateinisches Mittelalter. Einleitung in Sprache und Literatur, Darmstadt3

- L. J. Engels, Verschijnselen die in het Middeleeuws Latijn regelmatig voorkomen, in: Lampas 10 (1977), 249-255.
- K. Sidwell, Reading Medieval Latin, Cambridge 1995, 362-372 (Grammar)

- K.P. Harrington, Medieval Latin. Second edition, revised by J. Pucci, with a grammatical introduction by A. Goddard Elliott, Chicago 1997, 1-51 (A brief introduction to Medieval Latin grammar).
- P. Stotz, Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters, 5 voll., München 1996-2004.





        B.2. Humanistic Latin: General studies on language and style


- G. Bernardi Perini (ed.), Il latino nell’età dell’Umanesimo. Atti del Convegno Mantova, 26-27 ottobre 2001, Firenze, Olschki, 2004.

- F. Blatt, Die letzte Phase der lateinischen Sprache, in: Archivium latinitatis medii aevi 40 (1975-6), Leiden 1977, 65-75.
- R. Fubini, La coscienza del latino negli umanisti, An latina lingua Romanorum esset peculiare idioma, in : Studi medievali, 3e ser. II (1961), 505-550.

- U.E. Paoli, Il latino degli umanisti, in: E. Allodoli a.o., Storia illustrata della letteratura Italiana, vol. 1, Milan 1942, 14 pp.  

- M.v.d.Poel, Imitatio in het Latijnse humanistenproza, in: C. van Eck e.a., Een kwestie van stijl. Opvattingen over stijl in kunst en literatuur, Amsterdam 1997, p. 65-77.

- M.v.d.Poel, De verjonging van het Latijn door de Renaissance-humanisten, in: N.v.d.Sijs, ed., Taaltrots. Purisme in een veertigtal talen, Amsterdam 1999, 173-180.

- S. Rizzo, Il latino nell'Umanesimo, in: A. Asor Rosa, ed., Letteratura Italiana, vol. V Le questioni, Roma 1986, 379-408.
- S. Rizzo, Ricerche sul latino umanistico, vol.
I, Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2002.

- V. Selden Clark, Studies in the Latin of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, New York 1900, part 2 Latin of the Renaissance, pp. 61-109, esp. Petrarch and Erasmus. 
- F. Tateo, Sul latino degli umanisti, Cacucci editore, 2006.

-T. Tunberg, Neo-Latin Literature and Language, in: P. Grendler, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, New York 1999, vol. 4, 289-293.

- T. Tunberg, Humanistic Latin, in: F. Mantello, A. Rigg, edd., Medieval Latin. An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, Washington 1996, 130-136.

- T. Tunberg, Quae Latinitas sit moderna, in: Retiarius 1 (1998)

- L. Wirth-Poelchau, AcI und quod-Satz im lateinischen Sprachgebrauch mittelalterlicher und humanistischer Autoren, Erlangen, 1977.

- J. IJsewijn, ‘Enkele bemerkingen betreffende het 16e-eeuwse Latijn’, in: Didactica classica Gandensia 8 (1968), 70-73.

- J. IJsewijn, D. Sacré, Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, 2nd. ed., vol.2 (1998), chapter 4 Language, style, prosody and metrics, 377-433.

-R. Alhaique Pettinelli, S. Bendetti, P. Petteruti Pellegrino eds., Le parole “giudiziose”. Indagine sul lessico della critica umanistico-rinascimentale, Rome 2008.

-P. Rondinelli, L’uso di proverbi, sentenze e locuzioni proverbiali nella vita private e pubblica tra Quattro e Cinquecento, in: L. Secchi Tarugi ed., Vita pubblica e vita private nel Rinascimento. Atti del XX Convegno Internazionale (Chianciano Terme – Pienze 21-24 Iuglio 2008), Florence 2010, 181-196.

J.L. Charlet, La lexicographie latine du Quattrocento, in: J.F. Gilmont, A. Vanautgaerden eds., Les instruments de travail à la Renaissance, Nugae humanisticae sub signo Erasmi 10, Turnhout 2010, 37-66.

- J. Ramminger, Neo-Latin: Character and Development, in: Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 21-36.

- H. Helander, On Neologisms in Neo-Latin, in: Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 37-54.

- S. Knight, T. Stefan, ‘What is “Neo-Latin”?’, in: The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (2015), 1-10.



        B.3. Humanistic Latin: General studies on language and style by period or region/country


- F. Akkerman, Lateinische Prosa in Groningen von 1469 bis 1523, in: J. Hermans, R. Peters, hgg., Humanistische Buchkultur. Deutsch-Niederländische Kontakte im Spätmittelalter (1450-1520), Münster 1997, 121-142

- D. Cecchetti, L'evoluzione del latino umanistico in Francia, Paris 1986.
- H. Helander, Neo-Latin Literature in Sweden in the Period 1620-1720.
Stylistics, Vocabulary and Characteristic Ideas, Uppsala 2004, esp. part II Stylistics and part III Vocabulary (pp. 41-315)

- D.F.S. Thomson, On the Latin Style of some French Humanists, in: C.M. Grisé, C. Tolton, eds., Crossroads and Perspectives: French Literature of the Renaissance. Studies in honour of V.E. Graham, Genève 1986, 77-100.
- Ch.A. Upton and J.M. Fletcher, ‘The Latinity of an Oxford College’, in I. McFarlane (ed.), Acta Conventus neo-latini Sanctandreani, Binghamton, 1986 (Medieval and Renaissance Text and Studies, 38), 511-517.

- J. IJsewijn, Le latin des humanistes français : évolution et étude comparative, in: V.L. Saulnier (ed.), L’humanisme français au début de la Renaissance, Paris, 1973, 329-342.



        B.4. Humanistic Latin: Prose


            B.4.1. From medieval Latin to humanistic Latin


-D. Coppini, ‘Il cielo della luna. Alcune considerazioni su grammatica e latino in età medievale e umanistica’, in: Rinascimento s. 2, 27 (1987), 179-214.

- L. de Leeuw, 'Van middeleeuws naar humanistisch Latijn. Een ontwikkeling geïllustreerd aan de hand van twee Tielse voorbeelden', in: De drie steden 4 (1983), 7-9

- J.IJsewijn, 'Mittelalterliches Latein und Humanistenlatein', in: A. Buck, ed., Die Rezeption der Antike, Hamburg 1981, 71-83.

- M. Pade, From Mediaeval Latin to Neo-Latin, in: Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 1188-1190.

- R.U. Smith, Ecclesiastical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin Sentences, Wauconda (Ill.) 2014.

- K. Sidwell, ‘Classical Latin – Medieval Latin – Neo-Latin’, in: The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (2015), 13-26.


            B.4.2. Humanistic Latin and the vernacular               


- T. Tunberg, "De locutionibus nonnullis humanisticis quae pro vestigiis linguarum nationalium habentur," in: Vox Latina, 26 (1990), 415-30.

- G. Tournoy, T. Tunberg, "On the margins of Latinity? Neo-Latin and the vernacular languages", in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 45, 1996, 134-175.



            B.4.3. Literary styles in humanistic prose Latin


 J. d’Amico, ‘The Progress of Renaissance Latin Prose : The Case of Apuleianism’, in: Renaissance Quarterly, 37-3 (1984), 351-392.

- O. Kluge, Die neulateinische Kunstprosa, in: Glotta 23 (1935), 18-80.

- E. Norden, Die Antike Kunstprosa, Darmstadt 1958, deel 2, 763-809 (on Ciceronian authors)

- J.M. Núñez González, El orden de palabras en el latín renacentista, in: Helmantica 45 (1994), 295-303.

- J. M. Nunez González, Las clausulas metricas latinas en el Renacimiento, in: Latomus, 53 (1994), 80-94.

- J. Solana Pujalte, "¿Cláusulas métricas en la prosa Hispano-Latina del s.XVI?" in: J.M. Maestre Maestre a.o. eds., Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico, Cádiz 1997, 1033-1045.

- H. Tondini, De Ciceronianae imitationis ortu et progressione, in: Latinitas VII (1959), 166-181.
- A.G. Hinojo, El orden de palabras en autores renacentistas, in: Studia Philologia Valentina 14 (2012), 323-337.



            B.4.4. Scientific Latin in the Renaissance


- J. L. Barona / X. Gómez Font, edd., La correspondencia de Carolus Clusius con los científicos españoles. Clásicos y documentos 2, Seminari d'estudis sobre la ciècia, Valencia 1998.

- M. Benner / E. Tengström, On the Interpretation of Learned Neo-Latin, an explorative study based on some texts from Sweden (1611-1716),  Göteborg 1977.

- J. Ducos, ‘Entre latin et langues vernaculaires, le lexique météorologique’, in: Lexiques et glossaires philosophiques de la Renaissance, ed. J. Hamesse and M. Fattori, Louvain-la-neuve, Fédération internationale des instituts d'études Médiévales (Textes et études du Moyen Âge, 23), 2003, 55-72.

- A. I. Martín Ferreira, El humanismo médico en la Universidad de Alcalá (Siglo XVI), Alcalá 1995, 163-231 (on medical terms).

- A. I. Martín Ferreira, "Literatura y técnica en el léxico quirúrgico del s. XVI," in: Voces, 5 (1994), 91-109.

- A. I. Martín Ferreira, "La 'evacuación' y sus variantes en el léxico terapeútico del siglo XVI," in: J. Maestre Maestre a.o., eds., Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clásico. Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, 1-3, Cádiz 1997, 147-159.

- L. Olschki, Bildung und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Renaissance in Italien, Leizpig 1922 (repr. Vaduz 1965), 64-111 (Das Latein als wissenschaftliche Sprache im Zeitalter der Renaissance.

- R. Pitkäranta, "Zur wissenschaftlichen Terminologie einer mathemematischen Dissertation in Turku 1645," in G. Alföldi a.o., Studia in honorem I. Kajanto, Helsinki 1985, 215-227.
- R. Pitkäranta, Neulateinische Wörter und Neologismen in den Dissertatonen Finnlands des 17. Jahrhunderts. Personenbezeichnungen und Sachabstrakta auf -ia, Helsinki 1992. 

- S. Rizzo, "Sulla terminologia dell'insegnamento grammaticale nelle scuole umanistiche," in: Vocabulary of Teaching and Research between Middle Ages and Renaissance, Proceedings of the Colloquium London, Warburg Institute, 11-12 March 1994, Turnhout 1995, 29-44.

- D. Shaw, 'Ars formularia': Neo-Latin Synonyms for printing, in: The Library, Sixth Series, 11 (1989), 220-230.

-P. van der Krogten, Latin texts on old maps: Elementary Latin grammar and cartographic word list, in: The Portolan, winter (2007): 10-26.
- E. Short, G. Alex, A Primer of Botanical Latin with Vocabulary, Cambridge 2013.


    B.5. Poetry and metre (by Werner Gelderblom)


        B.5.1. Humanistic metrical theory


            B.5.1.1. Works by  metrical theoreticians


Neo-Latin metrical theory is largely founded on the works of several late Roman grammarians. These works can be conveniently consulted in H. Keil, Scriptores artis metricae etc., Leipzig, 1874 (Grammatici latini, 6 ; reprint: Hildesheim, 1961). The ‘pars tertia’ of the Doctrinale written by the medieval writer Alexander Villa-Dei had some influence as well. Leonhardt (see B.5.1.2) mentions over two hundred different renaissance commentaries on metrics and prosody. Some of the more important are:


- Niccolò Perotti, De generibus metrorum, 1453.

- Niccolò Perotti, De Horatii et Boethii metris, 1470.

- Robertus Gaguinus, Ars versificatoria, Paris, 1473.

- Conrad Celtis, Ars versificandi et carminum,  1486.

- Antonius Mancinellus, Versilogus, Leipzig, 1496. (many reprints, very popular school book)

- Johannes Despauterius, Ars versificatoria, Paris, ?1511. (very popular)

- Henricus Glareanus, De ratione syllabarum brevis isagoge, Bâle, 1516.

- Johannes Sulpicius Verulanus, De uersuum scansione et syllabarum quantitate, Mediolani, 1520.

- Ulrich von Hutten, Rudimenta poetices, Strasbourg, 1523.

- Jacobus Micyllus, De re metrica, Frankfurt, 1539.

- Johannes Murmellius, Tabulae in artis componendorum versuum rudimenta, Paris, 1539.

- Rodolphus Gualtherus, De syllabarum et carminum ratione, Zürich, 1542.

- Aldus Manutius, De metris Horatianis, Venice, 1555 (?).

- Scaliger, Poetices libri septem, Geneve, 1561 (liber 2).


            B.5.1.2. Studies on humanistic metrical theory


-J.F. Alcina Rovira, ‘Herrera y Pontano: la métrica en las "Anotaciones"’, in: Nueva revista de filología hispánica 32:2 (1983), 340-354.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Il prologo dell’Epitome e la versificazione ‘giambica’ di Niccolò Perotti’, Studi Umanistici Piceni 11 (1991), 9-18.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Il De generibus metrorum quibus Horatius et Boethius usi sunt di Niccolò Perotti: prolegomeni ad una nuova edizione’, Studi Umanistici Piceni, 17 (1997), 33-47.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Il De metris di Niccolò Perotti (prime considerazioni)’, Studi Umanistici Piceni, 18 (1998), 19-30.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Il ‘De metris’ di Niccolò Perotti’, in: Maia, 50 (1998), 511-522.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Prolegomeni a una nuova edizione del ‘De generibus metrorum quibus Horatius Flaccus et Severinus Boetius usi sunt’ di Niccolò Perotti’, in: QUCC n.s. 61 (1999), 105-125.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Varianti d’autore nel ‘De metris’ di Niccolò Perotti’, in Studi Umanistici Piceni, 20 (2000), 34-42.

- S. Boldrini, ‘Il trattato sui metri boeziani di Niccolò Perotti: una questione di metodo’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni, 21 (2001), 34-42.
- F. Cappelli, ‘Gli studi metrici di Sulpizio da Veroli’, Studi Umanistici Piceni , 23 (2003), 159-168.

-F. Fuentes Moreno, ‘Notas sobre las fuentes antiguas del Ars Versificatoria de Ioannes Despauterius’, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico II.3 Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, Cádiz, 1997, 923-932.

- F. Fuentes Moreno, ‘Niccolò Perotti y los gramáticos latinos: una aproximación a las fuentes antiguas del De metris’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni, 20 (2000), 20-33.

- F. Fuentes Moreno Perotti, ‘Niger y Ferettus en el Ars Versificatria de I. Despauterius’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni, 21 (2001), 11-26.

-P. Laurens, ‘Trois lectures du vers virgilien, Coluccio Salutati, Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, Jules-César Scaliger’, in: Revue des études latines 79 (2001), 215-235.

 -J. Leonhardt, ‘Niccolò Perotti und die "ars versificandi" von Conrad Celtis’, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 30 (1981), 13-18.
J. Leonhardt, Dimensio syllabarum: Studien zur lateinischen Prosodie und Verslehre von der Spätantike bis zur frühen Renaissance.
Mit einem ausführlichen Quellenverzeichnis bis zum Jahr 1600, Göttingen, 1989.

 -S. Mariotti, ‘La Philologia del Petrarca’, in: Humanitas 3 (1950), 191-206.

 -G. Martellotti, ‘Critica metrica del Salutati e del Pontano’, in: Critica e Storia Letteraria. Studi offerti a M. Fubini, Vol I, Padova, 1970, 352-373.

 -J. Pascal Pascual Barea, ‘La teoría prosódica en el siglo XVI: de la Gramática de Lebrija al Lebrija de los jesuitas’, in: E. Sánchez Salor a.o., eds., La recepción de las artes clásicas en el siglo XVI, Cáceres 1996, 435-443.  

 -U. Pizzani, ‘I metri di Boezio nell’interpretazione di Niccolò Perotti’, in: Res publica litterarum 8 (1985), 245-253.
- U. Pizzani, ‘I metri di Boezio nell’interpretazione di N. Perotti’, Studi Umanistici Piceni 5 (1985), 245-254.

 -S. Prete, ‘Camerius on Plautus’, in: F. Baron (ed.), Joachim Camerarius (1500-1574). Essays on the History of Humanism during the Reformation, München, 1971 (Humanistische Bibliothek, 24).

 -R. Sabbadini, ‘La metrica di Antonio Baratella’, in: A. Segarizzi, Antonio Baratella e i suoi corrispondenti, Venedig, 1916 (Miscellanea di storia Veneta, Seria Terza, Tomo X), 140-144.

 -R. Sabbadini, ‘La metrica e prosodia latina di Francesco Zabarella’, in: La Bibliotheca delle Scuole Italiane, IX, N.S.: 2 (1904), 3-5 and 12 (1904), 5-8. 

-F.J. Worstbrock, ‘Die “Ars versificandi et carminum” des Konrad Celtis. Ein Lehrbuch eines deutschen Humanisten’, in: B. Moeller e.a. (eds.), Studien zum städtischen Bildungswesen des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit …, Göttingen, 1983, 462-498.
- W. Ludwig, ‘Antike metrik im 16. Jahrhundert: Die unbekannten metrischen Kunststücke des Jakob Micyllus’, in: id., Supplementa Neolatina. Ausgewählte Aufsätze 2003-2008. Edenda curavit Astrid Steiner-Weber, Hildesheim etc.: Olms, 2008 (Noctes Neolatinae 10).
Reprint of Philologus 150 (2006), 290-330.


       B.5.2. Humanistic metrical practice


            B.5.2.1. General studies on Neo-Latin metre


- L. Alfonsi, ‘Forme e caratteri della poesia latina moderna’, Paideia 2 (1947), 74-84.

- D.A. Campbell, ‘Galliambic Poems in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Sources of the Bacchic Odes of the Pléiade School’, Bibiothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 22 (1960), 490-510

- C. Dionisotti, ‘Ragioni metriche del Quattrocento’, Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana 124 (1947), 1-34. (Chiefly on metre in the vernacular)

- V. Janning, Der Chor im neulateinischen Drama. Formen und Funktionen, Münster, 2005 (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme – Schriftenreihe des Sonderforschungsbereichs, 496 Band 7). (section 3.1.5: Musik, Tanz und Metrik, 75-81).
- J. Leonhardt, ‘Classical Metrics in Medieval and Renaissance Poetry: Some Practical Considerations’, Classica et Mediaevalia 47 (1996), 305-323.

- J. Leonhardt, ‘Die Aphärese bei est in der Geschichte der lateinischen Metrik’, in: Glotta 66 (1988), 244-252.

- J. Luque Moreno, ‘Notas sobre la métrica en la edición de textos latinos renacentistas’, Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico II.3 Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, Cádiz, 1997, 1153-1156.

-U.E. Paoli, Prose e poesie Latine di scrittori Italiani, Firenze, 1963, XXI-XXXI (Cenni sulla prosodia e metrica umanistica). 

- A. Perosa, ‘Metrica umanistica’, Rinascimento 3 (1952), 186-188.

- J. IJsewijn and D. Sacré (eds.), Companion to Neo-Latin Studies. Second, entirely rewritten edition, Vol. 2, Leuven. 1998, 423-433.
- D.
Sacré, ‘Observationes quaedam metricae’, in: Vox Latina, 22 (1986), 204-212.

- J.-L. Charlet, ‘Les mètres sapphiques et alcaïques de l’antiquité à l’époque humaniste’, Faventia 29-2 (2007), 133-155.

- J.L. Charlet, L’hexamètre épique de Juvencus à Pétrarque: coups de sonde, in: A. Estèves, J. Meyers eds., Tradition et innovation dans l’épopée latine, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge, Scripta receptoria, 1, Bordeaux 2014. 143-210.

-Ph.J. Ford, Neo-Latin Prosody and Versification, in: Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 1188-1190.


            B.5.2.2. Studies on Neo-Latin metre by author



         Benito Arias Montano (1527-1598)


-G. Marín Mellado, ‘Anotaciones a los metros horacianos de Benito Arias Montano. El libro segundo de los Hymni et Secula’, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico II.3 Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, Cádiz, 1997, 951-959.


Antonio Beccadelli (Panormita ; 1394-1471)


-J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.


        George Buchanan (1506-1582)


- Ph. Ford,  George Buchanan. Prince of Poets, Aberdeen, 1982. (Chapter 3: George Buchanan and Neo-Latin Poetic Theory)

- R. Green, ‘George Buchanan's Psalm Paraphrases: matters of metre’, I. D. McFarlane (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of neo-Latin Studies, Binghamton , New York, 1986, 51-60.


          Petrus Crinitus (1475-1507)


- J.L. Charlet, ‘Le choix des mètres dans les Poemata de Pietro Crinito’, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et. Renaissance 67 (2005), 17–26.


         Gabriele Faerno (†1561)


-J.L. Charlet, Le choix des mètres dans les Fabulae centum de Gabriele Faerno: le trimètre iambique, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 31 (2011), 167-185.


          Constantijn Huygens (1629-1695)


- D. Sacré, ‘De metriek in de Neolatijnse poëzie van Huygens’, De zeventiende eeuw 3 (1987), 79-89.


Cristoforo Landino (1424-1492)


--J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.


        Marco Marulić (1450-1524)


-R.M. Sáez, ‘El hexámetro de la Davidiada de Marco Marulo: tradición y orginalidad’, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico II.3 Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, Cádiz, 1997, 961-969.

        Michaele Tarchaniota Marullus (c. 1450-1500)

- J.-L. Charlet, ‘Le mètre sapphique chez Marulle’, Studi Umanistici Piceni 27 (2007), 187-198.

-J.-L. Charlet, La strophe alcaïque chez Marulle, in L. Bertolini, D. Coppini eds., Gli antichi e i moderni: Studi in onore di Roberto Cardini, Florence 2010, 311-329.

-J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.

-J.-L. Charlet, L’hexamètre de Marulle en son temps, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 32, Sassoferrato 2012, 225-235.


         Pacifico Massimi (ca. 1400-1500)


-J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.


John Milton (1608-1674)


-G.E. Duckworth, ‘Milton’s Hexameter Patterns – Vergilian or Ovidian?’, in: American Journal of Philology 93 (1972), 52-60.

-F.R.B. Godolphin, ‘The Techniques of Milton’s Latin Elegies’, in: Modern Philology 37 (1939-1940), 351-356.

-S.M. Oberhelman and J. Mulryan, ‘Milton's Use of Classical Meters in the "Sylvarum Liber"’, in Modern Philology 81:2. (1983), 131-145.

-B.A. Park, ‘Milton and Classical Meters’, in: Milton Quarterly 6 (1972), 75-77.

-C. Wordsworth, ‘On Some Faults in Milton’s Latin Poetry’, in: Classical Review 1 (1887), 46-48.


         Martin Opitz (1597-1639)


-R. Seidel, Eine frühe “Querelle”um Opitz? Metrische Experimente in der Danziger Gelegenheitspoesie um 1640, in: R. Simons, Hintzen, Norm Und Poesie : Zur Expliziten Und Impliziten Poetik in Der Lateinischen Literatur Der Frühen Neuzeit, Berlin 2013: 233-253.


          Francesco Petrarca  (1304-1374)


- I. Ruiz Arzalluz, El hexámetro de Petrarca, Firenze, 1991 (Quaderni petrarcheschi, 8).
- G. Martellotti, ‘Clausole e ritmi nella prosa narrativa del Petrarca’, in: Studi petrarcheschi 4 (1951), 207-219.


         Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1405-1464)


-J.L. Charlet, Les pseudo-vers iambiques d’Enea Silvio Piccolomini dans la Chrysis, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009): 185-204.

- J.L. Charlet, Quelques observations sur l’hexamètre d’Enea Silvio Piccolomini, in: Cahier d’études italiennes, 13 (2011), 17-35.

-J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.


        Giovanni Pontano (1429-1503)


-G. Zappacosta, ‘Cultura e tecnica versificatoria del giovane Pontano’, in: Critica letteraria 2:4 (1974), 446-484.

-J.L. Charlet, Le distique élégiaque d’Antonio Beccadelli, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Cristoforo Landino, Giovanni Pontano, Michele Marullo et Pacifico Massimi, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 30 (2010), 259-277.


Jean Salmon Macrin (1490-1557)


-J.L. Charlet, L’hendécasyllable phalécien dans les Hymnes (1537) de Jean Salmon Macrin, in: Res Publica Literrarum, 35 (2012), 187-201.


        Johannes Secundus (1511-1536)


- M.C. Hoces Sánchez, ‘Aproximación a la métrica de Juan Segundo’, J. M. Maestre Maestre e.a. (ed.), Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clásico. II. Homenaje a Luis Gil, 3 vol., Alcañiz, 1997, II.933-941.


        Mapheus Vegius  (1406-1458)


- G.E. Duckworth, ‘Mapheus Vegius and Virgil’s Aeneid: a Metrical Comparison’, Classical Philology 64 (1969), 1-6.

- J. Solana Pujalte, ‘Los modelos métricos del Aeneidos Supplementum de Maffeo Vegio’, M. Puig Rodríguez-Escalona (ed.), Tradició Clàssica, Andorra la Vella, 1996, 665-669.



    B.5.3. Prose Rhythm (clausulae) in Neo-Latin


- P.R. Díaz y Díaz, ‘Vossius y el ritmo de la prosa artística’, J. Luque Moreno and P.R. Díaz y Díaz (eds.), Estudios de métrica latina, Granada,1999, 281-302

- G. Lindholm, Studien zum Mittellateinischen Prosarhythmus, Stockholm, 1963 (Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, 10). (Der Gebrauch des Cursus in der Briefliteratur Italiens gegen Ende des Mittelalters und in der Renaissance – sein Abklingen, 55-201)

- J. Luque, ‘¿Cláusulas rítmicas en la prosa de Ginés de Sepúlveda?’, Habis 14 (1983), 85-105.
-T. Tunberg, "A Study of Clausulae in Selected Works by Lorenzo Valla," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 41 (1992), 104-33.

- A. Monterroso, E. Rodríguez, F. Sánchez, and J. Solana, ‘De Rebus Gestis Caroli V, Datos para un análisis de sus cláusulas métricas’, Actas del Gongreso Internacional V Centenario del Nacimiento del Dr. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (Pozoblanco, del 13 al l6 de febrero de 1991), Córdoba, 1993,151-154.

- J. M. Nunez González, ‘Las clausulas metricas latinas en el Renacimento’, Latomus 53 (1994), 80-94.

- J. Solana Pujalte, ‘Las clausulas metricas en la prosa historiográfica de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: un intento de sistematización’, Actas del congreso internacional, V centenario de nacimento del dr.Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda celebrato en Pozoblanco, del 13 al 16 de febrero de 1991, Cordoba, 1993, 131-50.

- J. Solana Pujalte, ‘¿Cláusulas métricas en la prosa Hispano-Latina del s.XVI?’, Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico. Actas de I Simposio...(Alcaniz 1990), Cádiz, 1993, 1033-45.




    B.6 Studies of the language and style of individual texts and authors


    B.6.1. Texts


- I. Kajanto, "Notes on the Language in the Latin Epitaphs of Renaissance Rome," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 28 (1979), 167-86.

- F. Martin Acera, "Las preposiciones latinas en tres escritores hispanos del s. XVI," in: Durius 5 (1977), 55-92.
- F. Martin Acera, "Literatura y técnica en el léxico quirúrgico del s. XVI," in: Voces, 5 (1994), 91-109.

- B. Löfstedt, Zur Sprache der ‘Epistolae obscurorum virorum’, in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 18, 1983, 272-289

- M. V. Pérez Custodio, "La expresión de 'ethos' y del 'pathos' en las etopeyas escolares del Renacimiento," in  J. Maestre Maestre a.o., eds., Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clásico. Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, 1-3, Cádiz 1997), 795 -806.

- D. Sacré, Neologismen in de neolatijnse poëzie, in: Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 41, 1987, 159-179.


         B.6.2. Authors



Alberti (1404-1472)

- L. C. Martinelli (ed.), "Leon Battista Alberti, Philodoxeos fabula. Edizione critica," in: Rinascimento, II, 17, (1977), 111-234, notes.


Alciati (1492-1550)


- W. S. Heckscher, The Princeton Alciati Companion: A Glossary of Neo-Latin Words and Phrases used by Andrea Alciati and the Emblem Book Writers of His Time, New York 1989.


Benito Arias Montano (1527-1598)


- M.A. Sánchez Manzano "Lengua y estilo en las dedicatorias a los 'Commentarii in XXXI Prioris Davidis Psalmos de Arias Montano", in: J. Maestre Maestre a.o. eds., Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clásico. Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, 1-3, Cádiz 1997, pp. 555-560.


Bacon (1561-1626)


- N. Gross, "Baconiana vocabula neolatina," in: Vox Latina 82 (1985), 531-35.


Ermolao Barbaro (1454-1493/1495)


- J. Ramminger ‘Lacticinium: Antikes Latein bei Perotti und Barbaro’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni, 22 (2002), 47-53.



Barclay (1582-1621)


- J. IJsewijn, "John Barclay and his Argenis. A Scottish Neo-Latin Novellist," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 32 (1983), 1-27.



Antonio Beccadelli (Panormita ; 1394-1471)


-D. Coppini, ‘Prosopopea del formaggio. Un'elegia comica del Panormita e il latino degli umanisti’, in Moderni e antichi, Quaderni del centro di Studi del Classicismo I (2003), 270-290.

- D. Coppini, ‘Il latino del Panormita’, in: Tradizioni grammaticali e linguistiche nell’Umanesimo meridionale. Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Lecce-Maglie, 26-28 ottobre 2005, a cura di P. VITI, Lecce, Conte editore, 2007, pp. 51-66.



J.A. de Benavente (s. XV)


- J. Closa Farres, Latín medieval y latín universitario reflejados en el tratado `Ars et doctrina studendi et docendi' de Juan Alfonso de Benavente," in periodico quod est Durius 5 (1977), 197-210.


         Jerónimo de Blancas (?-1590)


-M.G. Ramos Pérez, Cláusulas métricas y pros literaria en los Aragonensium rerum commentarii de Jerónimo de Blancas, in: J.P. Barea, L.C. Brea eds., in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV.3 Homenaje al Profesor Antonio Prieto, Madrid 2009, 1263-1276.


Bovelles (1470?-1553)


- J. Chomarat, La langue de Bovelles, in: Etudes de linguistique générale et de linguistique latine offertes en hommage à Guy Serbat, Paris 1987, 129-144.


         J.B. de la Brosse (1724-1782)


-J.F. Cottier, Lexicographie latine et religion autochtone en Nouvelle-France: À propos de la Radicum Montanarum Silva (1766-1772) du P. Jean-Baptiste de la Brosse, in: Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, 15, Leiden 2015, 166-180.


G. Budé (1467-1540)

- M. M. de La Garanderie, ‘Le style figuré de Guillaume Budé et ses implications logiques et théologiques’, in: V.L. Saulnier (ed.), L’humanisme français au début de la Renaissance, Paris, 1973, 343-360.

- M. Lebel, Index du vocabulaire Latin (mots poetiques, termes post-classiques, néologismes) du "De transitu Hellinismi ad christianismum" (1535) de Guillaume Budé,  Sherbrooke, 1971.


         Jacob Burckhard (1818-1897)


-W. Ludwig, De linguae Latinae in Germania fatis. Jacob Burckhard und der neuzeitliche Gebrauch der lateinischen Sprache, In: W. Ludwig, A. Steiner-Weber, Supplementa Neolatina : ausgewählte Aufsätze 2003-2008, Hildesheim 2008: 17-50.


Campanella (1568-1639)


- N. Gross, "Vocabula Civitatis Solis a Thoma Campanella Scriptae," in:  Retiarius, 1 (1998).


         Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723)


-C. Tărnăuceanu, Aspetti della lingua latina nell’opera dell’umanista romeno Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723), in: Invigilata Lucernis 30 (2008): 235-259.

-Nicolae Florentina, The influence of the Romanian Language in Vita Constantini Cantemyrii, cognomento senis, Moldaviae principis, in: A. Steiner-Weber et al. edd., Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Leiden – Boston 2012, 767-777.


Comenius (1592-1670)


- M. Steiner, "De Comenii Latinitate - Specimen Latinitatis humanioris [-humanistici] aevi -," in: Vox Latina, 31 (1995), 384-92.

Descartes (1596-1650)

- J.-L., Marion /J. P. Massonie / P. Monat / L. Ucciani., Index des 'Meditationes de prima philosophia' de R. Descartes,  Rome 1996.
- F. Meschini, Indice dei 'Principia philosophiae' di René Descartes. Indici lemmatizzati, frequenze, distribuzione dei lemmi, Florence 1996.
- C. Vermeulen, “La langue des doctes”.
Style and Strategy in Descartes’s Latin Works, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 64 (2015), 367-379.

Dolet (1509-1546)


- J. Chomarat, ‘L’emploi de num et nonne dans les Orationes duae in Tholosam d’Etienne Dolet, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 45 (1996), 202-206.

- K. Lloyd-Jones, M.v.d.Poel, Num, nonne and Simon Finet in Dolet’s Orationes: Some textual questions revisited, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 46 (1997), 94-113.


Erasmus (1466-1535)


- A. Jolidon, L'évolution psychologique et littéraire d'Érasme d'après les variantes du "De conscribendis epistolis'," in:  P. Tuynman a.o., eds., Acta conventus neo-latini Amstelodamensis. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Amsterdam 19-24 August 1973, München 1979, pp. 566-87.
- C. M. Miller, Styles and Mixed Genres in Erasmus' Praise of Folly," in: M. Di Cesare, S. Revard, F. Rädle, edd., Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Guelpherbytani. Proceedings of the Six International congress of Neo-Latin Studies Wolfenbüttel 12 August to 16 August 1985, Binghamton 1988, pp 277-87.

- C.R. Thompson, ‘Some Greek and Grecized Words in Renaissance Latin’, in: American Journal of Philology 64 (1943), 333-335.

- D.F.S. Thomson, The Latinity of Erasmus, in: T.A. Dorey, ed., Erasmus, London 1970, 115-137

- J. Trapman, Solet instead of solebat in Erasmus and other Latin authors, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 44, 1995, 197-201

- T. Tunberg, Notes on seven declamations by Erasmus, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 45, 1996, 201-244
- T. Tunberg, The Latinity of Erasmus and Medieval Latin: Continuities and Discontinuities, in: The Journal of Medieval Latin 14 (2004), 147-170.

- E. Wolff, Mots rares et mots nouveaux dans les Colloques d’Erasme, in: Revue des Etudes Latines 69, 1991, 166-186.
- Bénévent, Christine, ‘Érasme et le(s) latin(s)’, Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 69 (2007), pp. 627-644.

-J. Rice Henderson, Language, Race, and Church Reform: Erasmus’ De recta pronuntione and Ciceronianus, in: Renaissance and Reformation 30/2 (2006): 3-42.

-W. Ludwig, Erasmus und die germanistische Lexikographie , in: W. Ludwig, A. Steiner-Weber, Supplementa Neolatina : ausgewählte Aufsätze 2003-2008, Hildesheim 2008: 781-794.

-R. Hoven, G. Laurent, Un exemple d’utlisation du “Lexique de la prose latine de la Renaissance”: les mots non classiques dans trois oeuvres lexicographiques de Valla, Érasme et Crocus, in: J.-F. Gilmont, A. Vanautgaerden eds., Les instruments de travail à la Renaissance, Turnhout 2010: 187-203.


Teofilo Folengo (1491-1544)


-U.E. Paoli, Prose e poesie Latine di scrittori Italiani, Firenze, 1963, 251-273 (Osservazioni sul Latino del Folengo).


         Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566)


-P. Glardon, La Terminologie botanique dans le De historia stirpium de Leonhart Fuchs (1542) et ses premières traductions françaises, in: Seizième siècle 8 (2012), 57-74. 


J. Gínes de Sepúlveda (1490-1573)

- A. Coroleu, "A Philological Analysis of Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda's Latin Translations of Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias," in:  Euphrosyne, 23 (1995), 175 - 95.

- J. Luque, "¿Cláusulas rítmicas en la prosa de Ginés de Sepúlveda, in: Habis 14 (1983), 85-105.

L. Rivero García, El latín del "De orbe novo" de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, Sevilla 1993.

- L. Rivero García, "Rasgos no clásicos en la sintaxis de De orbe novo de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda," in:  Rinascimento, II, 34 (1994).

-L. Rivero García "Notas al latín del De Orbe Novo de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 43 (1994), 220-30.

- L. Rivero García, ‘Aspectos del hipérbaton en Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda’, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica Estudios latinos, 8 (1995), 235-250.

- J. Solana Pujalte, "Las clausulas metricas en la prosa historiográfica de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: un intento de sistematización," in:  Actas del congreso internacional, V centenario de nacimiento del dr.Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda celebrato en Pozoblanco, del 13 al 16 de febrero de 1991, Cordoba 1993, pp 131-50.
-J. Solana Pujalte, ‘El léxico no clasico en la antapologia pro Alberto Pio in Erasmum Roterodamum de Juan Ginés de Sepulveda (1490-1573)’, in: P. Defosse (ed.), Hommages à Carl Deroux, Tome V: Christianisme et Moyen Âge, Néo-Latin et Survivance de la Latinité, Bruxelles, 2003, 558-571.

-J.M. Núñez González, Aspectos léxicos del Theophilus de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV.3 Homenaje al Profesor Antonio Prieto, Madrid 2009, 1441-1447.


Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)


- J.C.G. Boot, "Hugo Grotius et Cornelius Tacitus", in: Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Tweede reeks, 12 (1883), 333-362.


Thomas Harriot (ca. 1560-1621)


-  C.E. Fantazzi, Harriot’s Latin, in: R. Fox ed., Thomas Harriot and his World. Mathematics, Exploration, and Natural Philosophy in Early Modern England, Farnham 2012, 213-236.


Thomas  Hobbes (1588-1679)


- B. Löfstedt, Notizen eines Latinisten zum Leviathan von Thomas Hobbes, in: Arctos, 23, 1989, 133-143.

- M. Silverthorne, "Political terms in the Latin of Thomas Hobbes," in: International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 2 (1995-6), 499-509.


C. de la Huerga (ca. 1510-1560)


- J. F. Domínguez Domínguez, "Sobre la latinidad de Cipriano de la Huerga (c. 1510-1560)," in: J. Maestre Maestre a.o., eds.  Humanismo y pervivencia del mundo clásico. Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, 1-3, Cádiz 1997, pp. 601-11.


P. Juusten (ca. 1516-1576)


- I. Kajanto, The Tragic Mission of Bishop Paul Juusten to Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, ser. B; tom. 276, Helsinkii 1995, Introduction.


Krantz (1448-1517)


- B. Löfstedt, Notizen eines Latinisten zu Albert Krantz, in: G. Bernt, F. Rädle, G. Silagi, edd., Tradition und Wertung. Festschrift für Franz Brunhölzl zum 65. Geburtstag, Sigmaringen 1989, 295-305.


         Johann Lauremberg (1590-1658)


- T. Deneire, Antiquarian Latin and the Materiality of Late Humanist Culture: The Case of Johann Lauremberg’s Play Pompejus Magnus (1610), in: M. Van Der Poel ed., Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches, Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, 26-27 October 2010, Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia, 35, Leuven 2014, 165-182.


Lipsius (1547-1606)


- B. Löfstedt, Zu Justus Lipsius’ Briefen, in: Studia Clasica 25 (1988), 71-78.
- B. Löfstedt, "Weitere Notizen zu Justus Lipsius' Briefen," in: Arctos, 27 (1993), 73-77.

 - T. Tunberg, Observations on the style and language of Lipsius’s  prose: a look at some selected texts, in: G. Tournoy, J. de Landstheer, J. Papy, eds., Iustus Lipsius Europae lumen et columen. Proceedings of the international Colloquium, Leuven, 17-19 September 1997, Leuven 1999, 169-178.


Luis de León (1527-1591)


- C. de la Red Avelina, "La latinidad de Fray Luis de Leòn," in: Helmantica 39 (1988), 311-31.


Longolius (1488-1522)

- T. Tunberg, Ciceronian Latin: Longolius and others, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 46, 1997, 13-61.

Luther (1483-1546)


- B. Löfstedt, Notizen eines Latinisten zu Luthers Briefen und Tischreden, in: Arsbok. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Lund, 1983, 19-40.

- B. Löfstedt, Notizen eines Latinisten zu Luthers Predigten, in: Arsbok. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Lund, 1985, 24-42.


        Johannes Magnus (1488-1544)


- B. Larsson (ed.), Johannes Magnus' Latin Letters. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary, Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 3, Lund 1992, pp. 31-48.
- B. Löfstedt, ‘Zur Latinität von Johannes Magnus' Historia de regibus’, in: Maia : rivista di letterature classiche 50:3 (1998), 523-526.


Olaus Magnus (1490-1557)


- K. Isacson, "A Study of Non-Classical Features in Book XV of Olaus Magnus' Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 38 (1989), 176-99.

- B. Löfstedt, Zum Latein des Olaus Magnus, in: Maia 33, 1981, 45-49.


         Peter Martyr (1457-1526)


-G. Eatough, Erasmian Agenda: Peter Martyr’s Plain Latin for a New World, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009): 297-309.

-M. Furno, Marques et limites de la modernité: l’insertion de mots non latins dans quelques textes de Pedro Martir d’Angleria, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV.3 Homenaje al Profesor Antonio Prieto, Madrid 2009, 1263-1276.


         Marko Marulić (1450-1524)


-M. Benić, Prozodija u Marulićevu epu Davidias i Bunićevu epu De vita et gestis Christi, in: Colloquia Maruliana 19 (2010): 163-183.

-J. Ramminger, The Role of classical, medieval, and Renaissance lexicography in the development of Neo-Latin: some examples from the Latin works of Marcus Marulus, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 31 (2011), 75-86.



John Milton (1608-1674)


-J.B. Dillon, ‘Surdeo, Saumaise and the Lexica: An Aspect of Milton’s Latin Diction’, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 27 (1978), 238-252.


A. de Morales (1513-1591)


- J. Costas Rodriguez, "El latín renacencista de Ambrosio de Morales," in: Helmantica 32 (1981), 201-213.


Otto Melander (1571-1640)


- B. Löfstedt, Zum Latein des Humanisten Otto Melander, in: Arctos 24, 1990, 91-105.


Thomas More (1478-1535)


- N. Gross, "Vocabula neolatina Utopiae Morianae," in: Vox Latina 79 (1985), 80-84.  

- R. Hoven, Essai sur le vocabulaire Néo-Latin de Thomas More, in: Moreana 35 (1998), 125-53.
- A. Jolidon, "Thomas More et Erasme traducteurs du `Tyrrancide' (1506)," in: Thomas More 1477-1977.
Colloque international tenu en novembre 1977. Travaux de l'Institut Interuniversitaire pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme VI, Brussels 1980, 39-89.

- B. Löfstedt, Zur Latinität von T. Mores Utopia, in: Arctos 17, 1983, 23-30. 


         Antonio de Nebrija (1441/4?-1522)


-F. González Vega, Gramática y estilo en Antononio de Nebrija: a propósito del lenguaje figurativo, in: G. Hinojo, C. Codoñer Merino,  Munus Quaesitum Meritis : Homenaje a Carmen Codoñer, Salamanca 2007: 435-443.


F. Nodot (1650-1710)      


- C. Laes, "Forging Petronius: François Nodot and the Fake Petronius Fragments, "in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 47 (1998), 358-402 (notes to the text of the fragments).


Alfonso de Palencia (1423-1492)


-J. Durán Barceló, El ciceronianismo de Alfonso de Palencia, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV.3 Homenaje al Profesor Antonio Prieto, Madrid 2009, 1247-1261.

Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912)

-A. Traina, Il latino del Pascoli: saggio sul bilinguismo poetico, Bologna, 2006 (third edition; first edition: Saggio sul latino del Pascoli, Padova, 1961).


Niccolò Perotti (1429-1480)


- J. Ramminger ‘Lacticinium: Antikes Latein bei Perotti und Barbaro’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni, 22 (2002), 47-53.

         Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)


- A. Bufano, ‘Appunti sul 'quod' dichiarativo del Petrarca’, Studi Petrarcheschi, 7 (1961), 147-50.
- M. Feo, "In margine alla latinità del Petrarca (A proposito di un num `anomalo')," in opere, quod inscribitur Miscellanea A. Campana (Patavii 1981), pp. 287-312.

- P. Hazard, Étude sur la latinité de Pétrarque d’après le livre 24 des Epistolae Familiares, in: Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire 24, 1904, 220-246.
- F. R. Hausmann, "Francesco Petrarcas Briefe an Kaiser Karl IV. als `Kunstprosa'," in; F.J. Worstbrock, ed., Der Brief im Zeitalter der Renaissance, Weinheim 1983, pp 60-80.

- G. Martellotti, Latinitá  del Petrarca, in: id., Scritti Petrarchese, Padua 1983, 289-301. First published in: Studi petrarcheschi 7 (1961), 219-230.
- G. Martellotti, ‘Noterelle di sintassi Petrarchesca’, Studi Petrarcheschi, 6 (1956), 195-200.

-U.E. Paoli, Prose e poesie Latine di scrittori Italiani, Firenze, 1963, 37-41 (Osservazioni sul Latino Petrarchesco).

- C.H. Rawski, Vocabularium Petrarchicum minus: A Handlist of Late Antique and Medieval Latin Words in the Works of Petrarch, in: The Journal of Medieval Latin, 5 (1995), 119-157

- S. Rizzo, Il latino del Petrarca nelle Familiari, in: A.C. Dionisotti, A. Grafton, J. Kraye, edd., The uses of Greek and Latin. Historical Essays, London 1988, 41-56.
- S. Rizzo, ‘Petrarca, il latino e il volgare", in: Quaderni Petrarcheschi, 7 (1990, Firenze 1994), 7-40.
- S. Rizzo, ‘Il latino del Petrarca e il latino dell' umanesimo’, Quaderni Petrarcheschi, 9-10 (1992-93, Firenze 1996), 349-65.

Pflug  (1499-1564)

- D.F.S. Thomson, The Latin Style of Julius Pflug, in: E. Neuss, J.V. Pollet, eds.,  Pflugiana. Studien über Julius Pflug (1499-1564). Ein internationales Symposium, Münster 1990, 117-138.

G. Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494)

- F. Bausi, Nec rhetor neque philosophus. Fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1484-87), Florence 1996.
- F. Bausi, ‘Per Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Tre schede filologico-linguistiche’, in: Interpres 14 (1994), 272-289.

Pirckheimer (1470-1530)

- B. Löfstedt, Zu Pirckheimers Briefwechsel, in: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 1-2, 1985, 61-65


Platina (1421-1481)


- O. Merisalo, "Platina et le Liber Pontificalis. Un humaniste devant un texte médiéval," in: Arctos, 16 (1982), 73-97.


Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459)


- O. Merisalo, "Le latin de Poggio Bracciolini à la lumière de la tradition manuscrite du `De varietate fortunae'," in: G. Calboli, ed., Latin vulgaire - latin tardif II, Actes du IIème Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Bologne, 29 Aout - 2 Septembre 1988), Tübingen 1990, 201-207.


Pontano (1429-1503)


- R. Cappelletto, La "lectura Plauti" del Pontano, con edizione delle postille del cod. Vindob. lat. 3168 e osservazioni sull' "Itala recensio" (Urbini 1988), pp.80-98.

- C. Previtera, ‘Il latino degli umanisti e quello di Pontano’, in: G. Pontano, I Dialoghi, Florence, 1943, LI-LXI.

- L. Spitzer, ‘Zu Pontans Latinität’, in: L. Spitzer, Romanische Literaturstudien 1936-1956, Tübingen, 1959, 913-922.
- F. Bistange, Les créations verbales dans le De sermone de Giovanni Pontano, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 25 (2005), 225-229.



Petrus Ransanus (1428-1491)


Erzsébet, Galántai, ‘Über den Sprachgebrauch von Petrus Ransanus anhand seiner Epithoma rerum Hungararum’, In: Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Bonnensis. ACMRS Tempe, Arisona, 2006, pp. 325-329.


         Antonio da Rho (15th cent.)


-G.M. Corrias, Classicità e imitazione nelle Imitationes rhetoricae di Antonio da Rho, in C. Rossi Luca ed., Le strade di Ercole. Itinierari umanistici e altri percorsi. Atti del Seminario Internazionale per I Centenari di Coluccio Salutati e Lorenzo Valla (Bergamo 25-26 ottobre 2007), 5, Florence 2010, 273-298.



Janus Secundus (1511-1536)  

- L. Vander Elst, Het Latijnse diminutief en zijn gebruik door Janus Secundus (1511-1536), Leuven, 1969.


Sellius (ca. 1551-1591)


- H. Alastair, C. L. Heesakkers, "Bernardus Sellius Noviomagus (c. 1551-93), Proof-reader and Poet," in: Quaerendo 19 (1989), 163-224, esp. 180-82.


S. Simonides (1558-1629)


- G. Korzeniowski, 'De Simonis Simonidae antilaboon usu', in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 40 (1991), 282-311.


Spinoza (1632-1677)


- F. Akkerman, Mots techniques-mots classiques dans le Tractatus Theologico-Politicus de Spinoza, in: P. Totaro, Spinoziana. Ricerche di terminologia filosofica e critica testuale (...), Firenze 1997, 1-22.
-F. Akkerman, ‘La latinité de Spinoza et l'authenticité du texte du "Tractatus de intellectus emendatione"’, in: Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 71 (1987), 23-29.

- I. Kajanto, Aspects of Spinoza's Latinity, in: Arctos, 13 (1979), 49-8.

Stobaeus (1647-1714)


- M. Berggren (ed.), Andreas Stobaeus, Two Panegyrics in Verse, Studia Latina Upsaliensia 22 (Upsalae 1994), pp. 34-55.          


Swedenborg (1688-1772)


- H. Helander, ed., Emanuel Swedenborg, Camena Borea, Studia Latina Upsaliensia 20 (Upsalae 1988), pp. 23-31

- H. Helander, ed., Emanuel Swedenborg, Ludus Heliconius and other Latin poems, Studia Latina Upsaliensia 23 (Upsalae 1995), pp. 20-41.
- J. Chadwick, J.S. Rose, eds., A Lexicon to the Latin text of the Teological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), London 2008.


Jacobus Sylvius (1478-1555)


- S. Bamforth, ‘Note on Sylvius's Latinity’, in: Renaissance Studies, 5 (1991), part of: S. Bamforth, Jacobus Sylvius (Jacques Dubois): Francisci Francorum Regis Et Henrici Anglorum Colloquium, Renaissance Studies 5 (1991), 1-237.



Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457)


- M. Campanelli, "Lingua et stile dell'oratio," in: Lorenzo Valla, Orazione per l'inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 1455-1456. Atti di un seminario di filologia umanistica , ed. S. Rizzo (Rome 1994), 87-107.

- J. Chomarat, Le “De reciprocatione sui et suus de Lorenzo Valla, in: I. Rosier, ed., L’héritage des grammairiens latins de l’antiquité auz lumières, in: Leuven 1988, 283-292.

- T. Tunberg, The Latinity of Lorenzo Valla’s Gesta ferdinandi regis Aragonum, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 37 (1988), 30-78.

- T. Tunberg, Further remarks on the language of Lorenzo Valla’s Gesta Ferdinandi and on De reciprocatione ‘sui’ et ‘suus’, in: Humanistica Lovaniensia 39 (1990), 48-53
- T. Tunberg, The Latinity of Lorenzo Valla's letters, in: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 26 (1991), 150-185.

- T. Tunberg, "A Study of Clausulae in Selected Works by Lorenzo Valla," in: Humanistica Lovaniensia, 41 (1992), 104-33.

- S.I. Camporeale, Christianity, Latinity and Culture. Two Studies on Lorenzo Valla, transl. by P. Baker, in: Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 172, Leiden 2014.

-R. Hoven, G. Laurent, Un exemple d’utlisation du “Lexique de la prose latine de la Renaissance”: les mots non classiques dans trois oeuvres lexicographiques de Valla, Érasme et Crocus, in: J.-F. Gilmont, A. Vanautgaerden eds., Les instruments de travail à la Renaissance, Turnhout 2010: 187-203.


J. Verzosa (ca. 1523-1574)


- J. Maestre Maestre, "En torno a la prosa latina de los humanistas: el tacitismo de Juan de Verzosa," in: E. Sánchez Salor a.o., edd., La recepción de las artes clásicas en el siglo XVI, Cáceres 1996,  vol. I, 205 - 235.



C. Editing Renaissance Latin Texts


    C.1 General remarks


- J.L. Charlet, ‘Problèmes et normes éditoriales dans les différents types d’édition de textes néo-latins’, R. Schnur and P. Galand-Hallyn (eds.), Acta conventus neo-latini Bonnensis, Tempe, Arizona, 2006, xxx

- L. Deitz, Editing Sixteenth-Century Latin Prose Texts: a case study and a few general observations, in: G.W. Most, Editing Texts, Texte Edieren, Göttingen 1998, 141-163

- L. Deitz, Vom Buch zum (Lese-)Text. Frühneuzeitliche Prosatexte und ihr heutiges Publikum, in: Chr. Reitz, hrsg., Vom Text zum Buch, St. Katharinen 2000, 116-132.

- A. Grafton, ‘Editing Technical Neo-Latin Texts: Two Cases and their Implications’, J.N. Grant, (ed.), Editing Greek and Latin texts: papers given at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 6-7 November 1987, New York 1989, 163-186.

- L. Hödl, D. Wuttke, eds., Probleme der Edition Mittel- und Neulateinischer Texte, Kolloquium der DFG, 26-28 Feb. 1973, Boppard 1978.

- P.O. Kristeller, ‘The Editing of Fifteenth-Century Texts : Task and Problems’, Italian Culture 4 (1983), 115-122.

- E. Rummel (ed.), Editing Texts from the Age Of Erasmus (Thirtieth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, Toronto, 4-5 nov. 1994), Toronto, 1996.

- G. Soubeille, ‘Réflexions à partir d'une édition critique’, J.-C. Margolin, Acta conventus neo-latini Turonensis, Paris, 1980, 55-69.

- S. Zabłocki, ‘Über die Probleme der Ausgabe neulateinischer Dichter’, J.-C. Margolin, Acta conventus neo-latini Turonensis, Paris, 1980, 55-69. 

- T. Deneire, Editing Neo-Latin Texts: Editorial Principles; Spelling and Punctiation, in: Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 959-962.
- J. Gruchała, ‘Problems in Editing Renaissance Texts’, in: The Central East European, Cracow 2014, 187-196.



    C.2 Practical guides


- J.M. Maestre Maestre, ‘La edición crítica de textos latinos humanísticos. I’, in: Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico II.3 Homenaje al Profesor Luis Gil, Cádiz, 1997, 1051-1106.

- L. Mundt, ‘Empfehlungen zur Edition neulateinischer Texte’, L. Mundt a.o. (eds.), Probleme der Edition von Texten der Frühen Neuzeit. Beiträge zur Arbeitstagung der Kommission für die Edition von Texten der Frühen Neuzeit, Tübingen, 1992 (Beihefte zu Editio, 3), 186-190.

- E. Rabbie, Editing Neo-Latin Texts, in: Editio 10, 1996, 25-48

- J. IJsewijn, D. Sacré, edd., Companion to Neo-Latin Studies. Second, entirely rewritten edition, vol. 2, Leuven 1998, 460-475.



    C.3. Studies on particular aspects of editing texts


    C.3.1. Orthography of classical Latin and Neolatin


- C.D. Buck, Notes on Latin orthography, in: The Classical Review 13, 1899, 116-119, 156-167.

- A. Meillet, Le problème de l’orthographe latine, in: Revue des Etudes Latines 2, 1924, 28-34

- G. Goold, Amatoria critica (n.a.v. Ovidius’ Amores), in: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 69, 1965, 1 e.v., 9-14 on orthografie, 14-18 on punctuation

- M. Winterbottom, Problems in Quintilian, London 1970, 35-59 (orthography)

- A. Gercke, Senecas Interpunktion, in: id., Seneca-Studien, repr. Hildesheim 1971, 152-158

- M. Leumann, Lateinische Laut- und Formenlehre, München 1977 (Neuausgabe), 15-17 (orthography and its relation to pronuntiation)
- W. v. Strzelecki, Orthographie, B. Lateinisch, in PRE XXXVI,1 (1942), 1455-1483.

- J. Ramminger, ‘The orthography of machine-readable Neolatin texts: A plaidoyer for minimal intervention’ online:


- M. Minkova, Orthography of Neo-Latin, Ph. Ford, J. Bloemendal, C. Fantazzi eds, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World, Leiden 2014, 1122-1124.


    C.3.2. Punctuation and accents


- Th. Burkard, Interpunktion und Akzentsetzung in lateinischen Texten des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Ein kurzer Überblick nebst einer Edition von Leonhard Culmanns De orthographia, des Tractatus de Orthographia von Joachim Camerarius und der Interpungendi Ratio des Aldus Manutius, in: Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 5 (2003), 5-58.

- P. Steenbakkers, Accent-marks in Neo-Latin, in: Acta Conventus Neolatini Hafniensis, ed. R. Schnur e.a., Binghamton 1994, 925-934

- P. Steenbakkers, Spinoza’s Ethica from Manuscript to Print, Assen 1994, ch. 2, Towards a history of accent-marks in Neo-Latin, 71-101.
- P. Steenbakkers, 'Aldus Pius Manutius and the Latin accents’, in: Studi Umanistici Piceni 17 (1997), 139-145. 

-G. Castellani, Franscesco Filelfo’s Orationes et Opuscula (1483/1484). The first example of quotation marks in print?, in: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (2008): 52-80.



    C.3.3. Material aspects of old printings


- Ph. Gaskell, A new introduction to bibliography, Winchester 1995, 5-56 (on types and the composition of the printed book, 1500-1800)

- W.H. Ingram, The Ligatures of Early Printed Greek, in: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies 7 (1966), 371-389

- R. McKerrow, An Introduction to bibliography for literary students, Oxford 1928 (repr. 1994).

- P. Vriesema, The STCN-Fingerprint, in: Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986), 93-100.
- Fingerprintes = Empreintes = Impronte, vol. 1 Manual, vol. 2 Examples, Paris 1984.

(see on the STCN-fingerprint and the LOC-fingerprint Bibliographical Fingerprints


    C.3.4 Problems of dating


- H. Grotefend, Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, 12. Aufl., Hannover 1982

- Eg. Strubbe, L. Voet, De chronologie van de middeleeuwen en de moderne tijden in de Nederlanden, Antwerp 1960 (Brussels 1991)


    C.3.5 Placenames


- J.G.Th. Graesse, F. Benedikt, Orbis Latinus. Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, 3 vols., Braunschweig 1972 (adaptation of the 2nd ed. in 1 volume, Berlin 1909; reprint of the 2nd ed. Berlin 1983; online version of the 2nd. ed. 


    C.3.6. Latin Abbreviations and Greek Ligatures   



- Ch. Trice Martin, The record interpreter : a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records, Dorking 1976 (facsimile reprint of 2nd. ed., London 1910; first ed. 1892)

- A. Cappelli, Lexicon abbreviaturarum : dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane : usate nelle carte e codici specialmente del medio-evo riprodotte con oltre 14.000 segni incisi : con l'aggiunta di uno studio sulla brachigrafia medioevale, un prontuario di Sigle Epigrafiche, l'antica numerazione romana ed arabica ed i segni indicanti monete, pesi, misure, etc., 6. ed. corredata con 9 tavole fuori testo, Milano 1990 (first ed. 1899)

(web-version of the edition 1912)

- A. Pelzer, Abréviations latines médiévales : supplément au Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane de Adriano Cappelli, 3rd. ed., Louvain-Paris 1995 (first ed. 1966).

- P.A. Grun, Schlüssel zu alten und neuen Abkürzungen : Wörterbuch lateinischer und deutscher Abkürzungen des späten Mittelalters und der Neuzeit mit historischer und systematischer Einführung für Archivbenutzer, Studierende, Heimat- und Familienforscher u.a. Nachbildungen der Originale, Limburg a.d. Lahn 1966.


Greek Ligatures

- W. Wallace, An Index of Greek Ligatures and COntractions, in: The Journal of hellenic Studies, 43, 1923, 183-193.

- G.F. von Ostermann, A.Giegengack, Printer's & Translator's elementary information on classical and modern Greek, and Abbreviations in early Greek printed boos, Chicago 1974, 196-201 (Reprinted from the Manual of Foreign Languages: for the Use of Printers and Translators, 3rd. ed., Washington 1936).

- W.H. Ingram, The ligatures of earley printed Greek, in: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 7 (1966), 371-389.

- D. Drysdall, Abréviations et lettres ligaturées utilisées dans les imprimés grecs de la Renaissance, in: Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 51 (1989), 393-403.



D. Identification of Neo-Latin authors


- National Biographies; Biographie universelle, ou Dictionnaire historique (19e eeuw; diverse edities); Jöcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon (18th century) Allgemeine deutsche Biographie & neue deutsche Biographie


- M. Cosenza, Biographical and bibliographical dictionary of the Italian humanists and of the world of scholarship in Italy, 1300-1800, 5 vols., Boston 1962; vol. 6 Supplement, 1967

-R. La Rue, Clavis scriptorum graecorum et latinorum, 4 voll., Trois-Rivières 1985; 2e ed., 10 voll., 1996.

-A. Franklin, Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseudonymes latins de l'histoire littéraire du moyen âge (1100 à 1530), Paris 1875 (Hildesheim 1966).

- W. Buchwald e.a., Tusculum-Lexikon griechischer und lateinischer Autoren des Altertums und des Mittelalters, 3e ed., Darmstad 1982. (up to the 15th century)

- id., Dictionnaire des auteurs grecs et latins de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Traduit et mis à jour par J. Berger et J. Billou, Turnhout 1991.

- J. IJsewijn, Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, 2nd entirely rewritten ed., 2 voll., Leuven 1990-1998.





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